(a) All words and terms used in this Code shall be given their common and normal meaning unless defined in Section 1360.01. The words and terms defined hereinafter shall be given the meaning indicated in the interpretation and enforcement of this Code.
(b) This Code shall be generally interpreted as an ordinance that provides for the enforcement of all applicable codes, ordinances, and statutes. The City of Maumee has ordinances in place which provide for non-conforming uses of property. Maumee Codified Ordinances in Chapter 1130 and Section 1301.06 may control as to non-conforming structures and structures that do not meet the current building codes. There are many properties that do not currently comply with codes presently adopted and in force and as such shall be inspected and judged based on codes in place during the era in which the home was constructed. However, the perpetuation of legal non-conformances with currently in place codes and/or ordinances shall be determined on a case-by-case basis where health, safety, and welfare of residents and the public may be at risk. Additionally, any work previously performed in a premise and/or unit in which the proper building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and/or zoning permits were not applied for and granted may be required to comply with current, appropriate code and obtain proper permits.
(c) In the case of compliance with the Clean Water Act of 1972, or regulations promulgated through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the City of Maumee cannot honor legal non-conformances and as a result those uses are and those non-conformities will be required to comply with current environmental regulations and other codes where perpetuation of legal-non-conformances is either impractical or prohibited by law or code.
(d) Nothing set forth herein, shall prohibit or restrict the ability of the City to pursue separate nuisance actions against the subject properties pursuant to Maumee Codes, or State or Federal Law. (Ord. 002-2023. Passed 1-3-23.)
The definitions set forth in Section 1360.01 are incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. 002-2023. Passed 1-3-23.)
All dwellings shall be maintained and repaired in a workmanlike manner. All required and integral equipment in every dwelling shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, the Maumee Building Code, Ohio Building Code and Ohio Residential Code, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Maumee Code or Codes so as to perform intended functions properly and safely. All dwellings and units are required to be in compliance with Ohio law, Federal Law, and Maumee Codified Ordinances as the same relate to storm water and sewer connections. (Ord. 002-2023. Passed 1-3-23.)
(a) Establishing minimum standards for exterior property areas, exterior structure, interior structure, basic facilities, light and ventilation, occupancy requirements, and fire safety. These standards are designed to be reasonably high but at the same time practical and attainable.
(b) Fixing the responsibilities of owners, operators, occupants, and Responsible Local Agents of dwellings and dwelling units.
(c) Providing for administration, enforcement, and penalties.
(Ord. 002-2023. Passed 1-3-23.)
The provisions of Chapters 1361-1366 shall apply to all existing structures used, designed, and constructed for the purpose of or intended to be used for human habitation that which are used and/or contemplated for use as a non-owner-occupied structure, unit, or dwelling unit. The minimum standards required under this code are designed to prevent fire hazards, structural deterioration, inadequate light, air and heat, and unsanitary and overcrowded conditions which constitute a menace to the safety, health, and welfare of the occupants.
(Ord. 002-2023. Passed 1-3-23.)