(a)   All words and terms used in Chapters 1360 through 1368 shall be given their common and normal meaning unless defined hereinafter. The words and terms defined hereinafter shall be given the meaning indicated in the interpretation and enforcement of this Chapter. All other words and provisions of this Chapter shall be interpreted so as to eliminate or prevent the conditions set out in findings and determinations of necessity.
   Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, when words are used in these Chapters, the following rules of construction shall apply:
   The singular includes and shall apply to the plural, and the plural applies to and includes the singular.
   The masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter, and feminine and neuter shall include the masculine.
   Where the text uses the negative of a defined word, the negative of the definition shall be applied.
   The definition of a verb or a noun shall be used in an appropriate fashion where the adverbial or adjectival form of the word is used.
   (b)   The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   Abandoned dwelling means a dwelling which is unoccupied in any manner for a period of more than six (6) months. A dwelling will be presumed abandoned when mortgage or tax foreclosure proceedings have been initiated for that property, no mortgage or tax payments have been made by the property owner for at least ninety (90) days, and the property has been vacant for at least ninety (90) days. A dwelling may not be considered abandoned if all appropriate permits are issued, in force, and construction is ongoing.
   Accessory structure means a detached structure customarily incidental to the principal structure and located on the same lot with such principal structure including, but not limited to, detached garages, carports, sheds, fences, playhouses, and swimming pools. Accessory structure does not include tents, fabric covered assemblies, and shelters or storage containers.
   Administrative Hearing Officer means a person appointed to issue administrative warrants and hear appeals under Section 1361.19 of this Code.
   Approved, as applied to a material, device, or method of construction, means approved by the Chief Building Official under the provisions of this article, or approved by other authority designated by law to give approval in the matter in question.
   Basement means that portion of a building partly underground but having less than half its clear height below the average grade of the adjoining ground (See Cellar).
   Board of Building Standards and Appeals means the Board appointed by the Mayor and City Council to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of the building code and the housing code.
   Building code means the building codes officially adopted by the City Council; or such other codes as may be officially adopted by the City Council for the purpose of regulating the administration, construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy and maintenance of buildings and structures. Building codes
officially adopted by the City Council include, but are not limited to:
      Ohio Building Code
      Ohio Residential Code
      Maumee Housing code and Ordinances
      The Ohio Fire Code as adopted by Maumee Council
   Cellar means that portion of a building partly underground, having half or more than half of its clear height below the average grade of the adjoining ground.
   Chief Building Official means the official designated by the City to enforce building, zoning, or similar laws and this article, or his or her duly authorized representatives, employees, or subcontractors.
   Dwelling means any building which is wholly or partly used, designed, or constructed for the purpose of, or intended to be used for human habitation.
   One family dwelling means a building containing one (1) dwelling unit.
   Two-family dwelling means a building containing two (2) dwelling units.
   Multiple-family dwelling means a building containing more than two (2) dwelling units.
   Boardinghouse, lodging house, or tourist house means a building arranged or used for lodging with or without meals, for compensation.
   Dormitory means a building arranged or used for lodging six (6) but not more than twenty (20) individuals and having common toilet and bathroom facilities.
   Dwelling unit means one (1) or more rooms arranged for the use of one (1) or more individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit, with cooking, living, sanitary and sleeping facilities.
   Egress means a place or means of going out.
   Enforcement Officer means the official designated herein or otherwise charged with the responsibilities of administering this article, or his or her authorized representatives.
   Exit door means that portion of a means of egress between the termination of the means of egress at the exterior of the dwelling or dwelling unit and the outside of the dwelling or dwelling unit.
   Exterior property area means the open space on the premises and on adjoining property under the control of owners or operators of such premises.
   Extermination means the control and elimination of insects, rodents, vermin, or other pests by eliminating their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food; by poison, spraying, fumigating, trapping or by any other approved pest elimination methods.
   Fire Official means the Chief of the Fire Department or his or her duly authorized representatives.
   Floor area means the area of the floor contained within the partitions or walls enclosing any room over which floor the ceiling height is not less than the minimum height required by this title and excluding the floor area of any closets.
   Flush water closet means a toilet bowl flushed with water under pressure or under static head with a water-sealed trap above the floor level.
   Garbage means spoiled or discarded animal or vegetable material resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of food for humans or animals, as well as other organic waste material subject to rapid decomposition, including trash to which such material has adhered. This definition is not meant to preclude the composting of yard waste in an appropriate container as approved by the Chief Building Official and Zoning Official.
   Gross floor area means the total floor area in a building or structure.
   Habitable room means a room or enclosed floor space arranged for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking purposes (not including bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms, pantries, foyers, hallways, storage rooms and other accessory floor spaces).
   Hazard means that condition which presents a danger to the health and safety of persons and surrounding property.
   Heated water means water heated to a temperature of not less than one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit at the outlet.
   Hotel means a building arranged or used for sheltering, sleeping, or feeding, for compensation and open for short term, extended stay, or transient guests.
   Human habitation means the use of any room, rooming unit, dwelling unit, building or premises for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking, or eating purposes by one (1) or more persons.
   Infestation means the presence of insects, rodents, vermin, or other pests.
   Ingress means a place or means of going in.
   Integral means incorporated in the design of the structure and performing a specific function or serving a specific purpose.
   Kitchen means a room or portion of a room containing a minimum of seventy (70) square feet of floor area used for the preparation or consumption of food and containing the facilities and equipped as provided in this article.
   Kitchenette means a room or a portion of a room containing less than seventy (70) square feet of floor area used for the preparation of food and containing the facilities and equipped as provided in this article.
   Motel means the same as a hotel.
   Multiple-family dwelling (See Dwelling).
   Non-owner-occupied building means any dwelling unit or building where the property owner does not reside in the property.
   Non-owner-occupied residential dwelling or unit means any residential dwelling or unit constructed, intended, or currently used as habitable space in which the owner of the dwelling or unit does not reside, or where individuals other than or in addition to the owner reside, whether pursuant to an oral or written lease or for other valuable consideration including, but not limited to, cash, barter of goods and services, and imputed rent. This does not include relatives that reside with the owner in the same unit. This term also does not refer to an individual residing in a dwelling or unit who is in a domestic partnership with the owner. This term does not apply to any residential dwelling or unit which is the primary domicile of the owner and is temporarily unoccupied for a period of not more than one hundred twenty (120) days. Examples of a non-owner-occupied residential dwelling or unit include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   A traditional lease with a written lease contract.
      (2)   A lease or rental arrangement with no written contract.
      (3)   A unit in which a non-owner is allowed to reside in exchange for providing services to the owner, whether the owner resides in the unit or resides elsewhere.
      (4)   A unit in which a relative is permitted to reside, where the owner of the unit resides elsewhere.
      (5)   A unit in which the owner resides and in which a non-owner is permitted to also reside in exchange for any form of valuable consideration. This does not include couples who reside together in a domestic partnership.
      (6)   A unit in which a non-owner is allowed to reside, unless otherwise exempted in this article, even if no consideration is paid but the occupancy could be considered imputed rent by the Internal Revenue Service.
   Occupant means any person, over one (1) year of age (including owner or operator) living and sleeping in a dwelling or dwelling unit or having actual possession of such dwelling or dwelling unit.
   Openable area means that part of a window or door which is available for unobstructed ventilation, and which opens directly to the outdoors.
   Operator means any person who has charge, care, control or management of a building or part thereof in which dwelling units are let or are available for occupation.
   Owner means any person who, alone or with any other persons, shall:
   Have a freehold or lesser estate in, or a land contract vendee's interest in, any premises, dwelling or dwelling unit, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or
   Have charge, care, or control of any premises, dwelling or dwelling unit, as owner or agent of the owner, or as executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner.
   Person means an individual, firm, corporation, trustee, limited liability company, association, partnership or any other entity.
   Plumbing means, but is not limited to, water heating facilities, water pipes, garbage disposal units, waste lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, installed clothes washing machines, or other similar equipment, catch basins, drains, footer tile, sump crocks, grinder pumps, vents, or other similarly supplied fixtures, together with all connections to potable water, sanitary, or storm sewer, or vent lines.
   Premises means a lot, plot or parcel of land including the building or structures thereon.
   Public hall means a hall, corridor, or passageway not within the exclusive control of one (1) occupant.
   Refuse means, but is not limited to, garbage, rubbish, trash, debris, and junk; household appliances or furniture intended for interior use; inoperable, disassembled, or broken toys; mechanical or electrical devices or any kind; ferrous and non-ferrous metals; industrial sludge; solid commercial or industrial waste; or animal waste, but does not include human body waste, liquid, or other waste regulated by statute.
   Rental Registry means a register or depository for recording a list of owners, agents and/or operators for non-owner occupied or rental properties including their addresses and pertinent information regarding rentals and/or properties which are not occupied by the owner of said properties within the City of Maumee.
   Rental Inspection means the act of inspecting or reviewing, carefully or critically for violations, especially health and safety violations of City of Maumee Codes, and all State and international building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and energy code those properties that are not occupied by the owner of said property.
   Responsible Local Agent means a representative of a person, corporation, partnership, firm, joint venture, trust, association, organization, or other entity having a legal or equitable interest in property who has authority to do the following:
   Receive all official notices concerning housing, zoning, dangerous buildings, and other ordinance violations on behalf of the owner of a non-owner-occupied residential dwelling or unit, and any notice received by the responsible local agent shall be deemed to have been received by the property owner; and
   Be responsible for providing access to the non-owner-occupied residential dwelling or unit for any inspection necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of the City of Maumee Code of Ordinances.
   Reside means to be physically present in a residential dwelling or unit and regard that dwelling or unit as one's home, to which one intends to return and remain permanently or continuously. For purposes of this article, a person may only reside in one (1) dwelling or unit at a time.
   Residence building or residential dwelling means a building in which sleeping accommodations, with or without cooking facilities as a unit, are provided, except when classified as an institution under the building code.
   Rooming house, boarding house, lodging house, or tourist house means any dwelling or that part of any dwelling containing one (1) or more rooming units offered or potential offer for letting for remuneration according to IRS definition.
   Rooming units means any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living or sleeping but not for cooking purposes.
   Rubbish means combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage; and the term shall include, but is not limited to, the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke, and other combustible materials; paper; rags; cartons; boxes; wood; excelsior; rubber; leather; tree branches; yard trimmings; tin cans; metals; mineral matter; glass, crockery; dust and other similar material.
   Single-family, owner-occupied dwelling means any dwelling occupied by a single family of which one (1) or more members of the family are owners of the freehold of the premises or a lesser estate, or a land contract vendee's interest therein other than a tenancy for a period of time or at will.
   Storage area means a room or space in an unoccupied basement, cellar, attic, garage, or any accessory structure designated for the holding or keeping of materials which are intended for future use and drawn upon when needed.
   Supplied means installed, furnished, or provided by the owner or his or her authorized representative.
   Temporary Structure means, but is not limited to, tents, fabric covered assemblies and shelters, or storage containers that are not fastened to a permanent foundation.
   Unfit for human habitation means that dwelling or dwelling unit which is a hazard to the health and welfare of the occupants because it lacks maintenance or is in disrepair, lacks essential services (gas, water, electric and sewer), is unsanitary, or insect-, vermin-, or rodent-infested.
   Ventilation means the process of supplying and removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any space.
   Natural - Ventilation by opening to outer air through windows, skylights, doors, louvers, or stacks without wind-driven devices.
   Mechanical - Ventilation by power-driven devices.
   Window means and includes a window, skylight, glazed door, glass block panel, or other light-transmitting medium.
   Workmanlike means executed in a skillful manner such as generally plumb, level, square, in line, undamaged, without marring adjacent work, utilizing as close to identical material as possible, and finished to a completed state. Alternative methods and materials must be approved by the Chief Building Official or his or her designee.
   Workshop area means a room or space in an unoccupied basement, cellar, or garage utilized for repairing articles.
(Ord. 002-2023. Passed 1-3-23.)