(a)    The City shall dispose of municipal personal property and vehicles that are no longer needed for a public purpose. Reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain the value for the sale or disposition of such property. City Council shall authorize surplus of said property as required per policy.
      (1)    Scrap value, repair, storage, labor, and other applicable costs are considered when determining the value of said property.
   (b)    Methods of Sale And/or Disposal.
      (1)    Auction, Sealed Bids, or Internet Auction:
         A.   Auctions and sealed bid disposal shall be conducted after advertisement for not less than two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipal corporation and/or on municipal website for the same.
         B.   Internet auctions shall be open for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days for all non-motor vehicle sales; forty-five (45) days for sales of motor vehicles.
         C.   Minimum bid shall be determined by department supervisor and City Administrator or division Director.
         D.   Property scheduled for auction, sealed bids, or Internet auction shall be sold to the highest and best bidder. The department supervisor or City Administrator or division Director is authorized to determine the highest and best bidder and to reject any and all bids.
      (2)    Fixed Price:
         A.   Price shall be determined by City Administrator and Finance Director with consultation of division supervisor or as determined by City Administrator.
         B.   Property shall be made available for sale on a case by case basis; including but not limited to website or social media advertising and specific inquiries.
         C.   Sale shall be awarded in order offer is received.
         D.   In addition to payment of the purchase price, the City Administrator may require reimbursement to the City for some or all of the City's costs associated with the sale of the item, including but not limited to surveyor fees, advertising costs, auctioneer fees or commissions.
   (c)    Authorization for Disposal:
      (1)    City Council shall authorize the sale or otherwise dispose of personal property and/ or vehicles with a fair market value of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more.
      (2)    City Administrator in consultation with the Finance Director and Law Director is authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of surplus personal property and/or vehicles with a fair market value of less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) by any of the methods set forth herein.
   (d)    Other Dispositions of Municipal Personal Property And/or Vehicles:
      (1)    By destruction upon the determination of the City Administrator and/or the City Law Director that the property needs to be destroyed for public safety reasons.
      (2)    By trade for goods or services of like value when such trade is determined by the City Administrator to be in the best interest of the City.
      (3)    By trade-in for credit at the time of the City's purchase of new or replacement property.
      (4)    By sale to another government jurisdiction without the requirement of competitive bidding.
      (5)    By donation to a charitable organization.
      (6)    By selling as scrap metal.
      (7)    By refuse collection if item holds no value or has minimal value and the cost of disposal will exceed sales price, and no other disposition method listed above would apply.
         (Ord. 042-2023. Passed 11-6-23.)