(a)   The City Administrator or Mayor when the City Administrator is unavailable, shall be authorized to execute and enter into contracts, leases, and agreements involving the furnishing of equipment, services, supplies or materials to the City, for the construction of public improvements for the City, for purchases, or for payments deemed necessary by the City Administrator for operations of the City of Maumee, in amounts up to seventy-five thousand dollar ($75,000.00), or the amount set forth in Section 103.04 of the Maumee Codified Ordinances as may be amended hereafter, whichever is greater, and after entering into said contracts and/or agreements, the City Administrator or Mayor shall provide City Council with a copy of the contract and/or agreement, or a short summary of the terms of the contract or agreement.
   (b)   City Council shall approve contracts or agreements in excess of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), or the amount set forth in Section 103.04 of the Maumee Codified Ordinances as may be amended hereafter, whichever is greater, that are to be awarded after competitive bidding, by motion, ordinance, or resolution. The Mayor shall be authorized to execute any such contracts or agreements, or designate in writing the Director of any Department in the Mayor's stead to execute such contracts or agreements as set forth in Article IV Section 5 of the Maumee Charter.
   (c)   City Council shall approve contracts, leases, or agreements in excess of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), or the amount set forth in Section 103.04 of the Maumee Codified Ordinances as may be amended hereafter, whichever is greater, that may be awarded without formal advertising and bidding, for professional service contracts; contracts for expenditures in time of any emergency as defined by the Council; the purchase of new or used equipment at auctions; joint purchasing pursuant to agreements with other governmental units, whether state, local, or federal; sole source contracts where Council determines that formal competitive bidding is not practical or is not in the best interest of the Municipality; and any other circumstances as provided by ordinance or resolution. Approval of all such contracts shall be by motion, ordinance, or resolution of Council. The Mayor shall be authorized to sign any such contracts or agreements, or designate in writing the Director of any Department in the Mayor's stead to execute such contracts or agreements as set forth in Article IV Section 5 of the Maumee charter.
   (d)    City Council shall approve labor contracts or any other labor related agreements by motion or resolution. The Mayor shall be authorized to execute any such labor contracts or agreements, or designate in writing the Director of any department in the Mayor's stead to execute such contracts or agreements as set forth in Article IV Section 5 of the Maumee Charter.
   (e)    The Mayor or the City Administrator is authorized to execute amendments and/ or change orders to contracts which have already been duly authorized by Council and executed. If the amendment, or change order, involves the additional expenditure of funds that are in excess of twenty percent of the contract price, Council shall approve such amendment or amendments by motion. City Council shall be presented with a copy of any change orders and the cost of any change orders.
   (f)    Waiver of Regulations. When City Council determines that it is in the best interests of the City, City Council, by ordinance, may waive any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 026-2023. Passed 8-21-23.)