1137.02 LICENSE.
   (a)    No person directly or indirectly, shall construct, operate or maintain a hotel or motel within the City of Maumee without a license issued by the City of Maumee for the current year's operation. The license shall be displayed to the public in a conspicuous location. The license shall not be transferable or assignable and shall automatically become invalid upon the change of ownership or authorized agent or upon suspension or revocation.
   (b)    All licenses shall be issued on a calendar year basis (January 1 to December 31) or any part thereof.
   (c)    All licenses issued by the City of Maumee shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance.
   (d)    Every person, firm, association, or corporation who proposes to operate a hotel, motel, or extended stay hotel within the City of Maumee shall apply for a license on forms provided by the city no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of their license. At the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, an inspection of the hotel, motel or extended stay hotel may be performed upon receipt of an application for a license to operate to ensure there are no existing violations. No license shall be issued to the owner or authorized agent unless the following documents are provided to the city:
      (1)    A copy of a license issued by the State Fire Marshal for the premises;
      (2)    A copy of the latest inspection report from the State Fire Marshal;
      (3)    A copy of the latest inspection report from the local fire inspector;
      (4)    A letter designating the responsible person at the hotel to whom a notice of violations can be delivered, and who has the authority to act as the owner's or authorized agent's representative in his or her absence.
      (5)   A copy of the last inspection report completed by the city showing no violations of the provisions of all applicable portions of the City of Maumee's Codified Ordinance including all Zoning, Building, and Fire codes, and state and local nuisance regulations.
      (6)   Evidence that the property is not delinquent in the payment of property taxes due to the Lucas County Auditor.
      (7)   Evidence that the hotel, motel or extended stay hotel is not delinquent in the payment of hotel/motel taxes due to the City of Maumee.
      (8)   Evidence that the owner or company that owns the hotel, manages its operation, its employees and other partners in the case of pass through dividends earned by any LLC or corporation members have filed a City of Maumee income tax return and paid their income taxes and or are deducting said tax form employees checks, including but not limited to Contractors and subcontractors performing work at said property.
   (e)    All hotels, motels and extended stay hotels within the City of Maumee shall be in compliance with all applicable portions of the City of Maumee's Codified Ordinance and with all other applicable state and local laws and regulations. Any hotel, extended stay hotel or motel that is licensed by the City of Maumee shall be in compliance with the regulations of the City's Building, Zoning, Taxation, Police and Fire Departments and the State Fire Marshal.
   (f)    Every owner or authorized representative shall maintain a log of complaints from guests at the facility. Such records shall be available for inspection upon request from the Zoning Administrator, Chief Building Official, Police Chief or Fire Chief, or their designee.
   (g)   Every owner or authorized representative shall maintain a record that includes that name and address of every guest who has stayed for a period of time in excess of fourteen (14) days. The record shall include the dates of check-in and check-out, or if still a guest, the date of check in. When the required monthly income reports are sent to the City of Maumee Tax Department, a copy of this record shall be attached covering the same beginning and ending dates as the income report. The full copy of this record shall be available for inspection upon request from the Zoning Administrator, Chief Building Official, Police Chief or Fire Chief, or their designee.
   (h)    Any person, firm, association or corporation who, subsequent to January 1 of any year proposes to operate a hotel during any remaining part of the year shall apply for a license not less than thirty (30) days before the hotel is to open.
   (i)   The owner or authorized agent shall display the license to operate in a prominent location within the hotel, motel or extended stay hotel.
   (j)   The fee for the annual license shall be set by the Zoning Administrator, City Administrator, and City Law Director but shall not be less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per room for hotels and motels, and thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per room for extended stay hotels.
   (k)   No license shall be issued for any hotel, motel or extended stay hotel which has open violations or unpaid fees or fines.
(Ord. 012-2021. Passed 3-29-21.)