(A)   The Bicycle Committee shall consist of community members appointed by the Commissioner of Public Property with the approval of the City Council. The Bicycle Committee shall present findings and recommendations to the Public Works Advisory Board.
   (B)    The Bicycle Committee shall have the following duties:
      (1)   To advocate for, and promote, the city's efforts to establish a network of bicycle routes throughout the city;
      (2)   To advise and present recommendations to the Commissioner of Public Property, the Public Works Director, and the Public Works Advisory Board for revisions to the City's Bikeway Plan;
      (3)   To assist with the preparation of grant applications, and securing of funding for the projects promoted by the Bicycle Committee; and
      (4)   To advise and present recommendations to the Commissioner of Public Property, the Public Works Director, and the Public Works Advisory Board for the care and maintenance of the city's Bikeway Network.
(Ord. 2019-5417, passed 6-4-2019)