(A)   From time to time, the city enters into contracts for essential services. The purpose of these contracts is varied and is often entered into without bids. When bids are waived, a contract is entered into through negotiations or acceptance of a proposal from the vendor who wishes to supply the service. It must be remembered that in most cases where bids are waived, the same legal requirements as in a bid situation still apply.
   (B)   All contracts, to be valid, must be signed by an authorized representative of the company to supply the services and an authorized representative of the city. The City Administrator, or any authorized department director may enter into a contract for the city provided that all applicable procedures such as formal bidding, bid waivers, quotations, and the like have been met. Copies of the contract are to be immediately forwarded to the City Clerk and Treasurer to be filed.
(Ord. 2011-5318, passed 4-5-2011)