(A)   When in use for emergency calls, each ambulance shall have as personnel in the ambulance at least one paramedic and one EMT-B or two paramedics on all emergency calls.
   (B)   A pre-hospital registered professional nurse (PHRN) or physician may be counted as a paramedic or EMT-B for purposes of meeting this section.
   (C)   Additional training requirements for operating within the Mattoon city limits include the following:
      (1)   Each ambulance unit operating must be staffed by a minimum of one paramedic trained in National Incidents Management Systems (NIMS) compliant with certificates in IS 100, 200 and 700.
      (2)   All paramedics and EMT-Bs shall be trained annually on the Mattoon Fire Department’s Incident Command System. Classes will be scheduled in advance to allow the license ambulance service to attend.
      (3)   Each ambulance service shall provide a copy of documentation to the Fire Chief or designee showing annual certification of required training.
      (4)   All licensees must certify the training of their personnel when renewing their license. All licensees must maintain adequate documentation of the above required training. Training records must be submitted when requested to the Fire Chief to ensure compliance with this section.
(Ord. 2018-5406, passed 7-11-2018) Penalty, see § 34.999