(A)   In order to lessen or avoid congestion in the public streets and to promote convenience, safety, and welfare, the following standards shall be the minimum off-street parking space requirements for all additions and new uses unless higher standards are established elsewhere within this chapter:
RS Rural Suburban District
2 per dwelling unit; and all non-dwelling units, not identified elsewhere, shall comply to C1 parking minimums
RI Single-Family Residence District
2 per dwelling unit; and all non-dwelling units, not identified elsewhere, shall comply to C1 parking minimums
R2 Two-Family Residence District
2 per dwelling unit; and all non-dwelling units, not identified elsewhere, shall comply with C1 parking minimums
R3 Multiple-Family Residential District
2 per dwelling unit and an additional parking space for each employee on the largest shift
CI Neighborhood Commercial District
2 per each 3 customer seating or waiting spaces (or 1 per each 100 square feet of gross floor area) and 1 additional parking spot per each employee
C2 Accommodation Commercial District
1 per each 2 customer seating or waiting spaces (or 1 per each 200 square feet of gross floor area)* and one per each employee when the largest number of employees are present
C3 Service Commercial District
1 per each 3 customer seating or waiting spaces (or 1 per each 300 square feet of gross floor area)* and 1 per each employee when the largest number of employees are present
C4 General Commercial District
1 per each 2 customer seating or waiting spaces (or 1 per each 600 square feet of gross floor area)* and 1 per each company vehicle and each employee when the largest number of employees are present
C5 Shopping Center District
1 per each 300 square feet of gross leasable area
I Industrial District
1 per each 3 employees on the largest shift or 1 per each 3 employees when the largest number of employees are present
*Whichever is greater.
   (B)   Vehicle parking spaces required herein are the minimum to be provided. Open area devoted to vehicle parking may be used in computing open spaces required by this chapter. Where there is more than one use in a building, the combined requirements per use will apply. A minimum of one parking space per use is required. If the calculated number of parking spaces is fractional, the required parking spaces shall equal the next whole number.
   (C)   Space for off-street vehicle parking may be provided on the lot occupied by the building which it serves, or on adjacent or nearby areas, but such parking areas shall be counted only once in determining off-street parking requirements for individual or groups of buildings.
   (D)   Groups of stores or other buildings and uses requiring off-street parking facilities as prescribed herein may join in establishing group parking lots with adequate capacity for all the buildings and uses participating in their establishment.
   (E)   A church or other place of congregation which requires parking facilities at times when other nearby uses would not require established parking facilities, may enter into a joint agreement for the use of such facilities and, if such agreement is approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Board may relieve the church or other place of congregation from establishing its own off-street parking facilities.
   (F)   The regulations herein prescribed shall not apply to lots located in a block within a C3 District which, at the time of passage of this chapter, was occupied by structures used for commercial purposes totaling 50% or more of the area of the block.
   (G)   Any use which locates in a lower zoning district where it is not specifically listed by name shall conform to the minimum parking requirements of that use as indicated in §§ 159.21 through 159.31. However, any use which locates in a higher zoning district where it is not specifically listed by name shall conform to the maximum parking requirements of that use as indicated in §§ 159.21 through 159.31. When a use is not named in §§ 159.21 through 159.31, then the maximum parking requirements of § 159.47 shall apply.
(Ord. 2015-5377, passed 5-5-2015)