(A)   Adequate toilet, lavatory and bathing facilities for occupants of dependent trailer coaches shall be provided in a community service building or buildings. Such building or buildings shall be conveniently located, well constructed, having good natural and artificial lighting, adequate ventilation and floors of concrete or similar impervious materials. Concrete curbings, extending at least six inches above the floor shall be provided and the floor sloped to adequate drains. Walls and partitions shall be constructed of impervious material where subject to splash. Such building shall be maintained at a temperature of at least 68° F. during the period from October 1 to May 1.
   (B)   The community service building shall be provided with toilet rooms for each sex, plainly marked by appropriate signs, in which shall be installed water closets and lavatories adequate in number to serve the reasonable needs of occupants of dependent trailer coaches. Each water closet shall be placed in a separate compartment, properly separated from other water closets and shall be not less than three feet wide and shall be enclosed with proper partition. The community service building shall also be provided with tub or shower bath compartments, for both sexes, adequate in number to accommodate the reasonable needs of occupants of dependent trailer coaches. In combination with each bath or shower stall, there shall be provided an individual dressing compartment not less than 2½ feet by three feet in plan so arranged as to insure privacy. The floor of such compartment shall be waterproof and elevated three inches above the floor of the shower compartment from dressing room. Mats, grids and walkways made of wood, cloth or other absorbent materials will not be approved for use in bath sections of community service buildings.
   (C)   A laundry room or building constructed as speci fied in this section shall be provided containing laundry trays to accommodate the patrons of the trailer coach park. No laundry trays shall be located in toilets or bathrooms.
   (D)   An adequate water supply shall be provided at all times for the operation of all water closets in service buildings, and an adequate supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times in the service buildings for all bathing, washing, cleansing and laundry facilities.
   (E)   The Health Officer shall, by reasonable rules and regulations, specify the number of water closets, lavatories, and baths or showers required for service of dependent trailer coach sites and the number of laundry facilities required for all trailer coach sites.
('68 Code, § 16.05(d)) (Ord. 3758, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 10.99