For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AGENCY. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
   BOARD. Illinois Pollution Control Board.
   POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES. Any waste storage site, sanitary landfill, waste disposal site, waste transfer station, waste treatment/processing facility or waste incinerator that accepts waste from or that serves an area that exceeds or extends over the boundaries of incorporated City of Mattoon.
         (a)   A pollution control facility initially permitted for development or construction after July 1, 1981; or
         (b)   The area of expansion beyond the boundary of a currently permitted pollution control facility; or
         (c)   A permitted pollution control facility requesting approval to store, dispose of, transfer or incinerate, for the first time, any special or hazardous waste.
      (2)   The following are not regional pollution control facilities:
         (a)   Sites or facilities located within the boundary of a local general purpose unit of government and intended to serve only that entity;
         (b)   Federally controlled waste storage sites regulated under 40 CFR, Part 761.42;
         (c)   Sites or facilities used by any person conducting a waste storage, waste treatment, waste disposal, waste transfer or waste incineration operation, or a combination thereof for wastes generated by such person's own activities, when such wastes are stored, treated, disposed of, transferred or incinerated within the site or facility owned, controlled or operated by such person, or when such wastes are transported within or between sites or facilities owned, controlled or operated by such person;
         (d)   Sites or facilities at which the state is performing removal or remedial action pursuant to hazardous wastes;
         (e)   Pollution control facilities as defined in the Central Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact;
         (f)   Abandoned quarries used solely for the disposal of concrete, earth materials, gravel, or aggregate debris resulting from road construction activities conducted by a unit of government or construction activities due to the construction and installation of underground pipes, lines, conduit or wires off of the premises of a public utility company which are conducted by a public utility; or
         (g)   Sites or facilities used by any person to specifically conduct a landscape composting operation.
(Ord. 2001-5096, passed 12-21-2001)