(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) ILLEGAL DUMPING. The placement of any material or solid waste in or around the site of the roll- off container provided by the city for recycling activities and shall include the placement of garbage or other materials not specifically permitted to be placed in the roll-off containers provided by the city.
(2) RECYCLABLE. The following: aluminum, bi-metal cans, tin/steel cans, newsprint, corrugated cardboard, clear glass, brown glass, #1 soda bottles (“PETE”), #2 natural milk jugs and #2 detergent colored bottles (“HDPE”).
(3) ROLL-OFF CONTAINER. That container provided by the city and the state of Illinois, Department of Energy and Natural Resources for the collection of recyclables and the site upon which it is placed.
(4) SCAVENGING. To collect, obtain, possess or pickup any recyclable item placed in or around the site of the roll-off container.
(5) SITE. An area specifically identified by signs at the location of the roll-off container, but an area not less than a 30-foot radius of the position or location of the roll-off container.
(6) SOLID WASTE. All materials other than “recyclable” as defined in this section.
(B) Activities or conduct prohibited.
(1) It is hereby declared to be a violation of this section for any person or persons to scavenge any recyclable materials from the roll-off container or from the site of the roll-off container.
(2) It is hereby declared to be a violation of this section for any person or persons to illegally dump in the roll-off container or on the site of the roll-off container.
(C) Signs. A sign providing notice to all persons listing those categories of recyclable materials which may be deposited and providing notice that illegal dumping is prohibited, contrary to law, and subject to punishment as provided in this chapter shall be prominently displayed at each site of each roll-off container.
(Ord. 95-4813, passed 7-18-1995)