Expenditures may be made by the City Treasurer upon authorization by the City Council from the accounts kept for the user charge system, debt service charge and billing and collection charge. Such expenditures shall be from a general revenue account although costed to specific revenue elements of the cumulative charges of the sewer bill.
(A) Depreciation reserve expenditures. Expenditures from the accrued depreciation reserve on facilities shall be limited to renewals to accommodate physical and/or functional wear and obsolescence of real or permanent properties, to the extent such is necessary over and above an ongoing maintenance program to maintain the anticipated useful life. Such expenditures might indirectly result in physical and/or functional betterments.
(B) Replacement reserve expenditures. Expenditures from the accrued replacement reserve on facilities shall be limited to renewals to accommodate wear of physical elements of limited life elements or part thereof (15 years or less) and/or movable property, which would result in an extended useful life or meet the anticipated useful life. Such expenditures might indirectly result in limited physical and/or functional betterment.
(Ord. 87-4536, passed 4-7-1987)