(A) Generally, the payment process for invoices received shall not be initiated until such time as goods or services are received and accepted by the department initiating the purchase. Exceptions to this practice may include pre-payment of dues and subscriptions, expenses associated with conferences or training seminars, insurance premiums, certain service contracts and other purchases where pre-payment is approved by the City Administrator.
(B) Invoices received directly by Administration will be promptly forwarded to the department initiating the purchases. In the interest of expediting payments to vendors, at the time of the order, departments may request vendors to remit invoices directly to the attention of their department. It is the responsibility of the department initiating the purchase to ensure all invoices have been processed and forwarded to the Assistant Finance Director for payment.
(C) All invoices submitted for payment must be approved by the department director responsible for the purchase. In the absence of the department director, invoices may be approved by the department director’s immediate subordinate.
(D) Invoices shall be submitted with the account number, the department director’s initials and date. The Treasurer or City Administrator reserve the right to change the account number charged if he/she believes that the nature of the goods or services purchased are not properly classified.
(E) All approved invoices presented for payment as part of the next Schedule of Bills must be received by the Finance Department no later than 12 noon on the Wednesday preceding the following Tuesday’s Council meeting. Invoices received after 12 noon on Wednesday the week prior to a Council meeting will not be paid until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.
(F) A final copy of the Schedule of Bills will be reviewed by the Treasurer and provided to the City Administrator’s office no later than 1:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding a City Council meeting.
(G) Following City Council approval of invoices, all payments will be promptly mailed to vendors unless otherwise specified in writing by a department director. Checks may be held for vendor pick-up following the Council meeting if prior arrangements are made by the vendor. Unless the vendor’s representative picking up the check is personally known to city staff, then the vendor must be notified, they must specify the representative and the representative will need to show identification before release of the check.
(Ord. 2011-5318, passed 4-5-2011)