(A) In general, all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual/professional services required for operational efficiency will have been included in the annual budget.
(B) Purchase of same as required during the fiscal year shall proceed in accordance with these procedures upon approval of the annual budget by the City Council.
(C) Department directors may authorize purchases, as identified in the operating budget, up to $9,999.99. The City Administrator, or his/her designee, must approve all purchases in excess of $10,000. Purchases in excess of $25,000 require City Council approval.
(D) Each department director of the city shall be responsible for its own department’s purchasing needs in strict compliance with the procedures set forth herein.
(E) The City Administrator, or his/her designee, is responsible for determining if an item is budgeted, if adequate funds are available and if the proper purchasing procedures have been followed.
(F) If a budgeted expenditure is to be financed by an anticipated grant, the expenditure shall not be authorized until the grant is actually received or the City Council has authorized an agreement that assures reimbursement.
(G) Contracts for a public improvement or for the maintenance of the public property of the municipality that will exceed $25,000 may only be authorized by a contract let to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids. The specifications for such contracts shall be formally approved by the City Council before the contract is advertised for bids. The City Council may waive the bidding process when deemed necessary.
(H) Procurements of supplies and services need not be formally advertised for bids, but departmental directors shall endeavor to locally shop the procurement, choose from a pre-approved vendor list and assure that the municipality is receiving the best value for its expenditures.
(I) Department directors may authorize expenditures exceeding individual line item amounts in the approved budget with the prior approval of the City Administrator. A formal budget amendment with City Council approval at a regular or special meeting, at the time of the transaction or by the end of the fiscal year, shall be required in all of the following circumstances:
(1) For any deviation that would increase the number of full or part-time positions authorized by the budget;
(2) For any deviation from the approved budget that will exceed the “bottom line” established for total departmental expenditures;
(3) For any deviation from the approved budget that will transfer money between funds; and
(4) For expenditures valued greater than $25,000, regardless if the project or program has been authorized in the approved budget.
(J) Procurements shall not be broken up into less expensive transactions to avoid the expenditure approval limitations prescribed by this policy.
(Ord. 2011-5318, passed 4-5-2011; Am. Ord. 2020-5426, passed 2-4-2020)