Cable Communications
113.001 Short title
113.002 Definitions
113.003 Rights and privileges of grantee
113.004 Agreement and incorporation of application by reference
113.005 Franchise territory
113.006 Duration and acceptance of franchise
113.007 Franchise renewal
113.008 Franchise renewal in the event of change in federal law
113.009 Police powers
113.010 Cable television franchise required
113.011 Use of grantee facilities
113.012 Initial franchise costs
113.013 Notices
113.014 Letter of credit/security deposit
113.015 Performance bond
113.016 Liability and insurance
113.017 Indemnification
113.018 Rights of individuals
113.019 Public notice
113.020 Service availability and record request
113.021 System construction
113.022 Construction and technical standards
113.023 Use of streets
113.024 Operational standards
113.025 Customer service standards
113.026 Continuity of service mandatory
113.027 Complaint procedure
113.028 Grantee rules and regulations
113.029 Franchise fee
113.030 Transfer of ownership or control
113.031 Availability of books and records
113.032 Other petitions and applications
113.033 Fiscal reports
113.034 Removal of cable television system
113.035 Required services and facilities
113.036 Rules and regulations
113.037 Performance evaluation sessions
113.038 Rate change procedures
113.039 Forfeiture and termination
113.040 Foreclosure
113.041 Receivership
113.042 Compliance with state and federal laws
113.043 Landlord/tenant
113.044 Applicants’ bids for initial franchise
113.045 Financial, contractual, shareholder and system disclosure for franchises
113.046 Theft of services and tampering
113.047 Procedures
Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee
113.060 Definitions
113.061 Registration of telecommunications providers
113.062 Municipal telecommunications infrastructure maintenance fee
113.063 Collection, enforcement and administration of village fees
113.064 Compliance with other laws
113.065 Existing franchise and licenses
113.066 Enforcement
113.067 Violations
Cable/Video Service Provider Fee and PEG Access Support Fee
113.080 Definitions
113.081 Cable/video service provider fee imposed
113.082 PEG access support fee imposed
113.083 Applicable principles
113.084 No impact on other taxes due from holder
113.085 Audits of cable/video service provider
113.086 Late fees/payments
Cable and Video Customer Protection Law
113.100 Customer service and privacy protection law
113.101 Enforcement
113.102 Schedule of penalties
113.103 Customer credits
113.999 Penalty