97.01 Director of Recreational Programs office created; duties
97.02 Definitions
97.03 Use of facilities
97.04 Vehicles
97.05 Sale of articles
97.06 Restricted areas
97.07 Improper speech or conduct
97.08 Hours
97.09 Fires
97.10 Drunkenness; sale of intoxicating liquors
97.11 Littering
97.12 Advertisements
97.13 Damage to park property
97.14 Breach of peace; disorderly conduct
97.15 Animals
97.16 Firearms and fireworks
97.17 Throwing stones
97.18 Hindering municipal employees
97.19 Public or private meetings
97.20 Begging
97.21 Use of playground equipment by adults prohibited
97.22 Obstructing travel
97.23 Fortune telling; gambling
97.24 Protection of birds and animals
97.25 Bringing plants, shrubs or trees prohibited
97.26 Resisting or interfering with officials
97.27 Glass containers prohibited
97.28 Radio controlled aircraft
97.29 Golf prohibited
97.99 Penalty