§ 1133.142 SIGHT DISTANCE.
   (a)   The sight distances as defined in the most recent edition of the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Location and Design Manual, Volume I, § 201.1, which, at the time of the adoption of this chapter, stated:
      (1)   STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE (SSD). The distance a motorist should be able to see ahead so that he or she will be able to stop from a given design speed, short of an obstruction or foreign object.
      (2)   INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE (ISD). The distance a motorist should be able to see other traffic operation on the intersected highway so that he or she can enter or cross the highway safely.
      (3)   PASSING SIGHT DISTANCE (PSD). The distance a motorist should be able to observe oncoming traffic on a two- lane, two-way road so that he or she can pass a vehicle safely.
   (b)   If the definitions are revised by the Ohio Department of Transportation, the revised definitions shall apply.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)