The following conditions apply to animal hospitals, veterinarian clinics and kennels in the B-2 and B-3 Districts.
   (a)   Minimum lot area. Lot area shall meet the minimum size for the district in which the use is located.
   (b)   Operation.
      (1)   Each animal hospital, veterinarian clinic and kennel shall be subject to all permit and operational laws and regulations established by the state and county and any of their regulatory agencies.
      (2)   No kennel facility shall be located outside the principal building.
      (3)   Outdoor exercise areas shall only be used between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
      (4)   Rooms which contain animals shall be insulated, or otherwise soundproofed and vented so that animal noises are not audible anywhere beyond the lot.
   (c)   Setbacks and screening.
      (1)   All structures, including fencing, shall be located at least 200 feet from any side and rear property line abutting a residential district and 100 feet from any side or rear property line abutting a business district. Parking areas shall meet the minimum setbacks for the district in which they are located.
      (2)   All exercise areas shall be enclosed by a fence or wall a minimum of five feet in height, except that a minimum six foot high wall, solid wood fence or chain link fence planted with a continuous evergreen screen shall be maintained around all outdoor exercise areas abutting residential property.
   (d)   Special provisions for animal hospitals, veterinarian clinics and kennels adjacent to day-care centers and other public facilities. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to require additional fencing, screening and/or other measures it deems necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of people located adjacent to an animal facility, or to deny a request to locate a facility in the areas, based on health and safety considerations
   (e)   Performance standards. The Planning Commission may impose other conditions and limitations it deems necessary to prevent or mitigate possible nuisances, such as noise and odor, including limiting the number of animals on the premises. All applications for conditional use permit shall include a statement of the maximum number of animals to be boarded on premises.
(Ord. 2004-155, passed 1-10-2005)