(a)   The developer is encouraged to meet with the City Planner and City Engineer prior to submission of a concept plan. The intent of this meeting is to discuss early and informally, the purpose and effect of the ordinance and the criteria and standards contained herein. It will also give the developer the opportunity to become familiar with zoning and other applicable regulations, as well as the benefit of any comments on his or her specific proposal by the city staff.
   (b)   The concept plan together with an application shall be filed with the City Engineer. The application package must be submitted at least 30 days prior to a regular Planning Commission meeting to be placed on the agenda for that meeting. Prior to the meetings, copies of the concept plan and application shall be forwarded to individual members of the Planning Commission, the Law Director, the Utilities Director, City Planner, Police Chief, Park Director and Fire Chief, for a report.
   (c)   The concept plan shall include the following information:
      (1)   The boundary of the proposed planned unit development with bearings and distances indicated for all proposed boundary lines. The total area of the proposed planned unit development should be indicated;
      (2)   The names of all adjacent property owners including those across the street from the proposed development and within 200 feet;
      (3)   Existing features of the site within 100 feet including topography, vegetation, roadways, structures, permanent facilities, drainage courses and utilities;
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)
      (4)   The specific location of proposed land uses within the planned unit development. The amount of area dedicated to each type of land use shall be indicated. The types of uses and their extent, size and composition in terms of use, intensity and coverage of structures shall be specified. For residential developments, dwelling unit density in terms of dwelling units per gross acre and minimum lot sizes, frontages and setbacks shall be specified;
(Ord. 99-132, passed 10-11-1999)
      (5)   The interior open space system;
      (6)   The conceptual circulation system, noting the primary roadway and pedestrian systems within the project and their connection to the existing network;
      (7)   All FEMA designated 100-year floodplain areas; and
      (8)   The zoning of all adjoining properties.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)