No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, altered or enlarged which is arranged, intended or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided in § 1155.01. No use within the B-1 District shall be developed with a drive-in or drive-through facility unless the facility complies with the standards in § 1172.08.
   (a)   Offices.
      (1)   Business, professional and administrative offices;
      (2)   Offices of business and professional associations; and
      (3)   Medical offices and clinics.
   (b)   Retail, commercial and service uses.
      (1)   Specialty retail and commercial uses, including drug stores;
      (2)   Specialty food stores;
      (3)   Home furnishings, home improvements, materials and equipment stores with no outside storage;
      (4)   Garden supply;
      (5)   General merchandise and grocery stores;
      (6)   Personal services;
      (7)   Business and cleaning services;
      (8)   Art studios;
      (9)   Financial establishments without drive-through facilities; and
      (10)   Restaurants, standard, without drive-through facilities.
   (c)   Institutional, public and cultural uses.
      (1)   Public offices and buildings;
      (2)   Public and private elementary, junior high and high schools;
      (3)   Libraries, museums and art galleries;
      (4)   Churches and places of worship; and
      (5)   Child day-care centers.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)