(a)   Generally. The following standards shall apply to listed uses in R-6 Districts:
Table 1148 - R-6 Development Standards
Landominium, Condominium, Townhome (c)
Table 1148 - R-6 Development Standards
Landominium, Condominium, Townhome (c)
Minimum project area
1 acre
Minimum lot width
100 feet
Minimum setbacks from project boundary
30 feet
Minimum building setbacks
   Arterial or collector street
50 feet
   Local or private street (a)
40 feet
Maximum height of principal buildings
45 feet (b)
Minimum distance between buildings
20 feet (b)
Minimum square footage (livable floor area, as referenced in § 1133.80)
1,200 square feet per unit (without basement)
1,000 square feet per unit (with basement)
(a)   Distance from back of curb or if a curb is not present, edge of pavement.
(b)   For buildings taller than 20 feet, the minimum distance between buildings shall be the height of the building or 30 feet, whichever is less.
(c)   Detached single family dwellings with frontage on a public street shall comply with the development standards for the R-4 District in § 1147.05 of this code.
(Ord. 99-132, passed 10-11-1999)
   (b)   Maximum densities. The maximum net density for any residential use in an R-6 District shall be six units per acre. Net density shall exclude any public right-of-way.
   (c)   Landscaping. All landscaping shall conform to the Landscape Ordinance.
   (d)   Site planning. All site plans shall comply with the procedures in Chapter 1135.
   (e)   Parking. All parking shall be provided as required in Chapter 1175. At least one off-street parking space located within a fully enclosed attached structure and at least one unenclosed surface parking space shall be provided for each unit.
   (f)   Setback. Any multi-family structure in the R-6 District shall be at least 75 feet from any single-family district.
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)