Accessory uses, building or other structures customarily incidental to any aforesaid permitted or conditionally permitted uses may be established, erected or constructed; provided, that the accessory uses shall not involve the conduct of any business, trade or industry, or any private way or walk giving access to the activity, or any billboard, sign or poster other than authorized herein. Accessory uses may include the following:
   (a)   Gardening, pets and animals. Gardening, hobby greenhouses, the raising of vegetables or fruits and the keeping of household pets, domestic or farm animals exclusively for the use or personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes with the exception of produce grown and sold as part of a valid home occupation. Any heating plant and any structure in which fowl, bees or farm animals are kept shall be located at least 100 feet from every lot line;
   (b)   Parking facilities. Garages, carports or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents of the premises;
   (c)   Swimming pools. Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests, and subject to the provisions of the Building Code;
   (d)   Real estate and professional signs. Real estate announcements and professional signs subject to the provisions of § 1171.15 and Chapter 1187 of the codified ordinances;
   (e)   Home occupations and professional offices. See § 1171.15; and
   (f)   Solar units and dish-type satellite signal receiving stations. See § 1171.07(d).
(Ord. 98-104, passed 9-14-1998)