Any person owning or having an interest in property may file an application regarding that property with the Zoning Administrator for one or more of the variances authorized in § 1141.02 of this chapter. The application shall be signed and completed in full by the applicant and shall contain the following information and additional information as the Board may, by rule, require:
   (a)   The particular provisions or requirements of this chapter by section which prevent the proposed use of the property;
   (b)   The existing district classification of the property;
   (c)   The special conditions, circumstances or characteristics of the land, building or structure that prevent compliance with the requirements of this chapter;
   (d)   The extent to which it would be necessary to modify the requirements of this chapter in order to permit the proposed use of the property;
   (e)   An explanation of how the requested variance conforms to the evaluation criteria in § 1141.03;
   (f)   A complete list of names and addresses of all owners of all real property within 300 feet of the parcel or parcels as appears on the County Auditor’s current tax list or the Treasurer’s mailing list and other lists as may be required by the Board; and
(Ord. 2004-155, passed 1-10-2005)
   (g)   Ten copies of the site plan drawn to the scale as the Board shall, by rule, require, showing the actual dimensions of the property according to the recorded plat of the property, including contour lines; all significant vegetation and other significant natural environmental features on the property, the use, height, location and ground area of all present and proposed buildings and structures; the location of all vehicular entrances to and exits from the property, the location of all off-street parking areas and number of spaces provided therein; the building lines in relation to lot lines, and the number, type, size and location of all present and proposed signs, if any.