The traffic impact study shall include recommendations for improvements to maintain capacity, provide signal capacity, and improve safety to, from and within the development. These may include, but are not limited to:
(a) Intersection recommendations. Modifications to reduce delay and increase capacity on the critical movements, while not negatively impacting non-site traffic. The modifications may include, but are not limited to, adding lanes, removing curb parking, changing signal phasing or timing, and lane use modifications. A level of service of “D” or better is required;
(b) Site driveway recommendations. If site driveways are proposed to be signalized, they shall be warranted and located for good traffic progression past the site. Adequate ingress and egress capacity shall be provided. Capacity of on-site intersections shall be sufficient to prevent traffic that is entering the site from backing up on the adjacent street; and
(c) Acceleration and deceleration lanes. May be required to minimize potential for accidents due to speed reduction at driveways, even if turn volume requirements do not require the lanes.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)