(a)   In determining the amount of traffic to be generated by the proposed development, trip generation rates or equations from the latest edition of Trip Generation, a publication from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, shall be used. The proposed development shall be categorized by the specific land use classification contained in Trip Generation. If specific trip rates are not available for a particular development, the method of trip rate determination shall be agreed upon by the City Engineer and the developer.
   (b)   Documentation shall be provided to verify the reason for any variation from normally recognized generation rates or equations and for assumptions unique to the development being studied. Trip generation rates must be defensible using a combination of available data and professional judgment.
   (c)   A table shall be provided in the study report showing the categories and quantities of land uses, with the corresponding trip generation rates or equations and resulting number of trips. The reason for using the rates or equations shall be documented in the report. For large developments that will be phased in over time, the table shall also provide trip generation expected at each significant phase.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)