The impacts and transportation infrastructure needs shall be assessed separately for the horizon level of service both with and without site development. The separate studies shall include:
(a) All significant developments within the study area that have been approved or are likely to occur by the specified horizon year;
(b) The impacts of off-site development;
(c) The transportation improvements required for the approximate proportion of the improvements attributable to the traffic generated by the proposed development;
(d) (1) Non-site traffic volume estimates for the horizon years in the study. Non-site traffic has neither an origin from, nor destination to, the subject site. The traffic volume conditions of the study area in the horizon years, assuming the proposed site is not developed or redeveloped, must be established.
(2) Non-site traffic volumes shall be calculated using the “build-up” method to provide accurate and easily traced results. The “build-up” method is a method of determining peak hour factors for non-site traffic by building the opening day traffic volumes and the horizon year(s) traffic volumes if the site were not developed. This is accomplished by adding or building, the following items:
A. Existing traffic volumes in the area;
B. Traffic to be generated by approved and anticipated developments in the study area;
C. Estimated growth in through traffic generated from outside the study area; and
D. If the subject site is being redeveloped, existing site- generated traffic shall be subtracted from the total of these items.
(e) A determination of the level-of-service “D” for future base conditions. Future base conditions to assess the traffic operations and needed improvements in the horizon years without the subject development in place must first be determined.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)