§ 1116.02 WHEN REQUIRED.
   To promote efficient access management, a traffic impact study for a proposed development shall be submitted with the site plan or preliminary plat when the development meets any of the following criteria:
   (a)   The proposed development generates 100 or more added new peak hour trips to and/or from the site during the adjacent roadway’s peak hours or during the development’s peak hour and the proposed development generates more than 1,000 trips daily;
   (b)   The development is expected to reduce the level of service on adjacent roadways and/or intersections to below “C;”
   (c)   A level of service lower than “C” already exists on a roadway that is adjacent to the proposed development;
   (d)   The development is within 500 feet of a high-accident (20 or more per year) intersection or section of roadway;
   (e)   One or more of the proposed access drives to the development is within 500 feet of a public roadway intersection or within 250 feet of a drive that is a high traffic volume generator;
   (f)   The traffic generated by the proposed development will increase the ADT by 25% or more on roadways in adjacent neighborhoods, as determined by the City Engineer;
   (g)   Traffic volumes of 10,000 ADT or higher exist on roadways adjacent to the proposed development; and
   (h)   The City Engineer determines that other conditions exist in the vicinity of the proposed development that may be negatively impacted by the development. Final determination of the conditions shall be agreed upon by the City Engineer and the developer.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)