Within 15 days after the Commission has approved the final plat, the plat shall be transmitted to Council, together with all certificates and endorsements herein required. Council shall approve the plat at its next regular meeting occurring 15 days or more following the transmission of the plat to it, unless the certificate of the City Engineer hereinabove referred to states the final plat is clearly erroneous and the final plat does not substantially conform to the preliminary plat, or the improvements required by the preliminary plat have not been completed, in which case Council may disapprove the plat or table its consideration of the plat until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Approval of the plat by Council shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by the city of the dedication of the public ground necessary for the construction of the streets, right-of-way and other public improvements. The approval of the plat, however, shall not be deemed to constitute acceptance of the public improvements. Any public improvements must be completed according to the standards of the city. If Council fails to approve, table or disapprove the plat within the prescribed time of this section, and if the subdivider has not agreed to an extension of this time, the City Council shall be deemed to have approved the final plat.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)