Construction plans for improvements shall incorporate the standard construction drawings for the city; shall be furnished in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer; shall require approval by the City Engineer, the Fire Chief and the Public Utilities Director before improvements are installed and before approval of the final plat; and shall include the following:
   (a)   The center line profile of each proposed street, with proposed grades indicated at 50-foot intervals;
   (b)   The cross section of each proposed street, showing the width of pavement, the location and width of sidewalks, and the location and size of utility mains;
   (c)   The plans and profiles of proposed sanitary sewers and stormwater sewers, with grades and sizes indicated;
   (d)   A plan of the proposed water distribution system, showing pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants;
   (e)   (1)   A drainage boundary map (meeting the requirements of Chapter 1119) showing all existing and proposed storm sewers, manholes, catch basins, watercourses, culverts and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes and grades and waterway openings indicated thereon. A general grading-drainage plan shall be prepared and made a part of the construction drawings for the total development, showing the intended drainage from individual lots as well as the total development. The plan shall coordinate the needs for proper drainage and aesthetics of the total development. Positive surface drainage shall be provided for the total development. This may be accomplished by grading and/or installation of pipe drainage system. When the topography is changed to a higher or lower level than the natural grade, suitable slopes or measures shall be provided to blend the changed contour in with the surroundings. The grading work shall not impede the natural flow of storm drainage. Grading shall be done so that the rate of existing storm drainage (runoff) to the adjoining property is not increased nor is it concentrated to spill off the property at new locations.
      (2)   A soil erosion plan showing best management practices (meeting the requirements of Chapter 1119) shall be submitted to maintain acceptable housekeeping or standards of cleanliness and neatness of the site during and after development. The site shall not be used as a waste area for construction debris. In case of on-site excess earthen materials, the wasting of such shall be in a manner which will be compatible with the general grading-drainage plan. The piling or dumping of the material without spreading or distribution shall not be permitted.
   (f)   A traffic maintenance plan if working on a public right-of-way, showing necessary detours, if any, and in accordance with the requirements set forth in the latest edition of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD).
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)