The preliminary plat shall clearly show the following existing features and information:
   (a)   The proposed name of the subdivision (which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in Warren County), tract and section number;
   (b)   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner of record, subdivider and the person or firm preparing the preliminary plat;
   (c)   Scale, north point, title and date;
   (d)   Lot numbers, names of adjacent subdivisions and the names of record owners of adjacent parcels of unplatted land;
   (e)   Boundary lines: showing bearings and distances and the method by which they were derived, as surveyed by a registered surveyor, or as shown by existing deed records. If applicable, all corporation lines, section lines and township lines shall be shown;
   (f)   Easements: location, width and purpose;
   (g)   All streets or other public ways, in and adjacent to the subdivision: names, location, lane dimensions, shoulders, curbs, centerline, medians, right-of-way, roadway width, bike paths and sidewalks;
   (h)   Identification of the site’s adjacent streets by Functional Roadway Classifications and Access Level from Maps 1115.02 and 1115.03;
   (i)   Legal rights-of-way or easements affecting the property as it relates to the roadway:
      (1)   Existing location(s) and dimensions for access to the site;
      (2)   Existing locations of all access points within 300 feet of the site on all roadways adjacent to the site; and
      (3)   Existing traffic signals within 300 feet of the subject site.
   (j)   Utilities, culverts and other underground structures in and adjacent to the subdivision: location, size, type and depth of all existing underground installations;
   (k)   Site topography to 100 feet outside the property, with a minimum of four-foot interval contours, unless site conditions require more detailed topography as determined by the City Engineer;
   (l)   Other conditions within the subdivision such as water courses, ponds and areas subject to flooding; wetlands; marshes; rock outcropping; wooded areas; any structure or other significant features; and FEMA-designated floodplains; and
   (m)   Zoning requirements: Indicate the zoning district of the subdivision, applicable Overlay Districts and the zoning districts of the adjacent properties.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000; Ord. 2001-26, passed 2-26-2001)