(a)   The following regulations are hereby declared to be the law regulating the subdivision of land within the city and shall hereinafter be referred to as these regulations. (Ordinance 99-207, passed January 10, 2000, and codified as Title One of this Part Eleven - Zoning Ordinance.)
   (b)   The authority for the preparation, adoption and implementation of these Subdivision Regulations is vested in the Planning Commission and City Council, and is derived from R.C. § 711.09, which enables the two bodies to adopt uniform rules and regulations governing plats and subdivisions of land falling within their legal authority.
   (c)   It is the general intent of these Subdivision Regulations to regulate the division and development of land so as to further the following policies:
      (1)   Assure sites suitable for building purposes and human habitation, and to provide for the harmonious development of the city;
      (2)   Provide for the orderly and appropriate development of land in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, the Landscape Ordinance, Thoroughfare Plan, access management regulations, Driveway Approaches and Curb Cuts, Comprehensive Development Plan, Water Master Plan and Wastewater System Master Plan;
      (3)   Assure adequate open space for traffic, recreation, light and air;
      (4)   Provide facilities for the orderly movement of traffic on alleys, streets, collectors, arterials and freeways;
      (5)   Assure adequate and safe provision and proper construction of transportation facilities, water, sanitary sewerage, storm drainage and retention, open space, street lights, landscaping and other public facilities;
      (6)   Provide for the orderly arrangement of streets, public facilities and public services in accordance with the adopted Comprehensive Development Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, access management regulations and driveway approaches and curb cuts;
      (7)   Provide for adequate street lighting and signing;
      (8)   Guarantee proper access of firefighting equipment and public service equipment;
      (9)   Protect to the maximum degree possible historic sites, scenic points, desirable natural growth, watercourses and other water areas, and other environmentally sensitive features worthy of preservation;
      (10)   Guarantee the equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of public works and facilities by requiring that the initial cost of constructing improvements which are necessitated by the new development shall be borne by the developer and not by the city taxpayer. Such improvements include:
         A.   Public improvements and facilities in new developments; and
         B.   Public improvements and facilities necessary for proper public access and services to new developments.
      (11)   Coordinate the operations of city departments and other agencies involved with land development.
(Ord. 99-207, passed 1-10-2000)