(a)   No person shall engage in the business of making connections with the city sewers or drains or lateral connections, or installing service connections, or making repairs thereto, unless he or she shall have been duly licensed to engage in the business by the Public Utilities Director after a suitable examination respecting his or her qualifications and competency. The license shall not be issued until the applicant shall have filed with the Director a bond in favor of the city in the sum of not less than $10,000, as prescribed by the Director. The bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state or by two or more personal sureties. The bond shall be approved by the City Manager as to sufficiency and by the Law Director as to form. The condition of the bond shall be that the applicant will faithfully and in a workmanlike manner make and perfect the several connections with necessary fixtures and laterals, which he or she may be called on to construct in the course of his or her employment during the term for which the license is issued and that the applicant will indemnify and save harmless the city from all loss and damage which may be occasioned in any wise, by accident or the want of care or skill on his or her part, in the prosecution of the work of making sewer connections, or that may be occasioned by reason of any surface or subsurface opening or openings made or caused to be made by him or her in connection with the work. The applicant shall also carry liability insurance on himself or herself and his or her employees in the amount of at least $50,000 liability, and $10,000 each occurrence of property damage liability; and the insurance shall NOT contain any exclusions for collapse and underground work in relation to digging, burrowing, backfilling and trenching.
   (b)   If any licensed sewer tapper shall violate any of the ordinances relating to the making of sewer connections, or shall fail or refuse to perform any of the duties imposed on him or her by this chapter, the Public Utilities Director shall be authorized to revoke his or her license.
(Ord. 90-61, passed 5-14-1990)