(a)   (1)   The construction of concrete sidewalk shall include excavation below the finish grade of the walk, smoothing and compaction of the sub-base; furnishing, placing and finishing concrete, application of curing agent, backfill and grading and all other materials and labor not herein provided but necessary to complete the work as specified and shown.
      (2)   The trench for the walk shall be excavated for a depth of five inches below the finish grade of the walk. The bottom of the excavation shall be tamped to secure a firm smooth surface. No gravel sub-base will be required except that if the excavation is made below subgrade depth, it shall be refilled with compacted sand.
      (3)   Side forms five inches high shall be set to the finish grade and firmly braced and secured. The sub-base shall be moistened before placing concrete.
(Ord. E-81, passed 8-5-1959)
   (b)   (1)   Concrete shall be placed and screeded even with the top of the forms. No top course shall be placed except that a small amount of one to two mortar may be used to improve the surface.
      (2)   No dry application of sand or cement or a mixture thereof shall be applied. At the proper time after placing concrete, the walk shall be floated with a wood float and with a steel trowel to obtain a plane surface that is not slippery after hardening. Excessive troweling to bring the fines to the surface will be avoided. An approved commercial curing agent shall be applied after finishing.
(Ord. 90-43, passed 5-14-1990)
   (c)   Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the city’s standards.
(Ord. E-81, passed 8-5-1959)