(a)   There is created the position of City Animal Warden which shall be a part-time position. The duties and responsibilities shall be the enforcement of this chapter and the general laws of the state, county and city pertaining to dogs, cats and other animals.
   (b)   The Animal Warden is empowered to apprehend and incarcerate all animals whose actions are contrary to the provisions of this chapter or the general laws pertaining to animals.
   (c)   The Animal Warden is authorized to file complaints before the Municipal Court in order to enforce compliance with this chapter and all laws pertaining to animals.
   (d)   The Animal Warden is granted any and all other powers necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter and for the general regulations of animals within the city, and he or she is authorized to exercise and use reasonable force in apprehending and controlling animals and the right of reasonable entry on private property for pursuit and seizure of animals thereon, and shall have the power of a police officer in that capacity.
   (e)   No person shall hinder, impede, or interfere with the Animal Warden in his or her duties or responsibilities in apprehending and incarcerating animals within the city. All persons so doing can and will be charged under the sections of interfering with a police officer.
   (f)   The City Animal Warden shall work for the Safety Director and be a sworn officer to uphold and enforce the laws of this chapter and the state, and be under his or her direction.
   (g)   The City Animal Warden being a part-time position shall be appointed by the City Manager after he or she and the Safety Director select a suitable person for the position.
   (h)   The City Animal Warden being a part-time position shall be compensated as established by the City Manager and may not incur any expenses other than decided upon at time of hiring, without prior approval of the Safety Director and/or City Manager.
   (i)   The position of City Animal Warden being a part-time position is not subject to the provisions of the annual city ordinance establishing employee benefits.
   (j)   This section of Chapter 505 does not imply nor in any way offset the decision of Council or the city administration that anytime in the future the city may decide to contract for the services of City Animal Warden through a county agency.
(Ord. 31-1977, passed 5-9-1977)