123.01 Publication by posting
Charter reference:
Action to be taken by ordinance and resolution, see Charter § 4.01
Adoption of technical codes by reference, see Charter § 4.14
Amendment, see Charter § 4.11
Authentication, see Charter § 4.09
Codification, see Charter § 4.15
Content of emergency ordinance and resolutions, see Charter § 4.07
Effective date, see Charter § 4.08
Initiative, see Charter § 9.01
Introduction of ordinances and resolutions, see Charter § 4.02
Public hearing on zoning ordinance or resolution, see Charter § 4.13
Publication, see Charter § 4.16
Reading, see Charter § 4.05
Recording, see Charter § 4.10
Referendum, see Charter § 9.02
Referral of zoning ordinances to Planning Commission, see Charter § 4.12
Referral to the electors, see Charter § 9.03
Style, see Charter § 4.03
Subject of ordinances and resolutions, see Charter § 4.04
Vote required for passage, see Charter § 4.06
Codification, see Ch. 101