(A) Number of copies. Eight copies of the final development plan as required by the Maryville Subdivision Code, § 154.103, shall be submitted in support of the application, the final development plan shall be accompanied by all general application requirements.
(B) Required plan drawings. Eight maps shall be submitted with the final development plan that shows the following. Each map shall contain all map submission requirements, and shall bear such professional certifications and seals as the village may require.
(1) Finished grades or contours for the entire site (five or two foot contour intervals may be required by the Administrator, depending on the site).
(2) All proposed and existing adjacent public street rights-of-way with centerline location.
(3) All proposed and existing adjacent public street and public drive locations, width, curb cuts and radii.
(4) Location, width and limits of all existing and proposed sidewalks.
(5) Location, size and radii of all existing and proposed mod-Ian breaks and turning lanes.
(6) Distance between all buildings, between buildings and property lines and between all parking area and property lines.
(7) Location of all required building and parking setbacks.
(8) Location, dimensions, number of stories and area in square feet of all proposed buildings.
(9) Area of land on plan in square feet or acres.
(10) The location of all oil and gas wells on the property.
(11) Limits, location, size and material to be used in all proposed retaining walls.
(12) Location and dimensions of all driveways, parking lots, parking stalls, aisles, loading and service area and docks.
(13) Location, height, intensity and type of outside lighting fixtures for buildings and parking lots.
(14) Location, size, and type of material of all proposed monument or freestanding signs.
(15) The location of adjacent developments, alignment and location of public and private driveways and streets, medians, and public and semi-public easements.
(16) Final storm water collection, detention and erosion control plans.
(17) Final analysis of the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer receiving system.
(18) Final water and sanitary sewer plans.
(C) Required building elevations. One or more illustrations shall be submitted with the final development plan showing building elevations including the following:
(1) Elevations of all sides of proposed buildings including notation indicating building materials to be used on exteriors and roofs.
(2) Size, location, color and materials of all signs to be attached to building exteriors.
(3) Location, size and materials to be used in all screening of rooftop or ground-level mechanical equipment, trash and refuse collection areas, and loading area.
(4) Building sections.
(D) Required landscape plan. The final development plan submission shall contain a drawing showing landscaping, tree preservation and planting and buffer yard areas as required by § 156.092 of this chapter.
(E) Reduced copies of required final development plan drawings. One copy of the proposed plan, building elevations and landscaping, tree preservation, screening and planting and buffer yard plans shall be reduced onto 11 inch by 17 inch bond paper.
(F) Required evidentiary information. The following shall be submitted in support of the application for final development plan approval:
(1) Deeds of dedication for all rights-of-way or easements required as a result of preliminary development plan approval, if conveyance thereof is not to be made by plat or by the filing, of the final development plan pursuant to this section.
(2) A copy of all covenants and restrictions applicable to the development, if required by the terms of the preliminary development plan.
(3) Evidence of the establishment of the agency for the ownership and maintenance of any common open space and all assurances of the financial and administrative ability of such agency, if required by the terms of the approved preliminary development plan.
(4) Evidence of satisfaction of any conditions of the preliminary development plan approval that were conditions precedent to consideration of the final development plan.
(G) Fees. The developer shall pay the fees listed below to the Administrator at the time he or she submits the item of required information pertaining to the plan in question. The Administrator shall promptly cause such fees to be deposited in the village’s General Corporate Fund.
(1) Final development plan review fee as required in § 154.118(F).
(2) Green space fee as required in § 154.032(C)(1)(a), (b), (c), and (d) to be paid prior to final approval of the plan by the Village Board.
(`92 Code, § 40-2-10) (Ord. 00-11, passed 7-5-00; Am. Ord. 2009-30, passed 12-2-09)