General Provisions
   51.01   Application for taps and service connections
   51.02   Metered service
   51.03   Inspection
   51.04   Damaged meter; damage due to interruption of service
   51.05   Resale
   51.06   Discontinuing service; dangerous usage
   51.07   Electric ground wires
   51.08   Water for building or construction purposes
   51.09   Fire hydrants
   51.10   Lawn watering
   51.11   Shortage and purity of supply
   51.12   Non-compliance with rules and regulations
   51.13   Easements
   51.14   Use of water on consumer’s premises
   51.15   Rules to become part of contract
   51.16   Installing and maintaining service lines
   51.17   Prohibiting the use of groundwater as a potable water supply
Cross-Connection Administration
   51.30   Approved backflow device
   51.31   Cross-connection prohibited; exception
   51.32   Investigations by Superintendent
   51.33   Right to enter premises
   51.34   Notice to customer; reconnect fee
   51.35   Contaminations costs and the consumer
Cross-Connection Control Code
   51.45   Purpose
   51.46   Application
   51.47   Responsibility of owner
   51.48   Definitions
   51.49   Water system
   51.50   Cross-connection prohibited
   51.51   Survey and investigations
   51.52   Where protection required
   51.53   Type of protection required
   51.54   Backflow prevention devices
   51.55   Inspection and maintenance
   51.56   Booster pumps
   51.57   Violations
   51.70   Determination of expense of extension
   51.71   Contractor installs extension
Well Set-Back Code
   51.85   Purpose
   51.86   Definitions
   51.87   Prohibitions
   51.88   Waivers, exceptions and certifications of minimal hazard
   51.89   Exclusion
   51.99   Penalty
   Appendix: Groundwater Limitation Area