1048.01   Charges.
1048.02   Deposit. (Repealed)
1048.03   Installation of service risers and meters.
1048.04   Rates and charges; increases.
1048.05   Special rates and charges.
1048.06   Meters.
1048.07   Military personnel in military service; no stoppage of gas; arrearage.
1048.08   Liability for service. (Repealed)
1048.09   Administration and allocation of funds.
1048.10   Accounts and records; audits. (Repealed)
1048.11   Collection of charges. (Repealed)
1048.12   Service continuity not guaranteed.
1048.13   Termination of service; weather conditions.
1048.14   Gas installation requirements.
1048.99   Penalty.
   Authority to levy Municipal utility tax - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 8-11-2
   Construction and leasing of certain utilities - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Secs. 11-117-1 et seq.
   Revenue bonds to construct heating plants - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Secs. 11-118-1 et seq.
   Revenue bonds to improve light and gas plants - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 11-119-1 et seq.
   Superintendent of Gas - see ADM. Ch. 244
   Utilities generally - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1038
   Collection of charges for gas service - see S.U. & P.S. 1038.17