Offenses Relating to Property
662.01   Injuring, damaging or defacing public or private property; false fire alarms.
662.02   Billposting; handbills; advertising.
662.03   Obstructing streets and sidewalks.
662.04   Obstructing stairways and exits.
662.05   Cumberland Street restrictions.
662.06   Restricted use of City parks.
662.07   Deposits at City burn pile.
662.99   Penalty.
   Theft - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 38, Secs. 16-1 et seq.
   Deceptive practices - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 38, Sec. 17-1
   Criminal damage to property - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 38, Sec. 21-1
   Criminal trespass to vehicles - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 38, Sec. 21-2
   Criminal trespass to land - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 38, Sec. 21-3
   Outdoor advertising - see B.R. & T. Ch. 850
   Advertising on streets and sidewalks - see S.U. & P.S. 1020.09
   (a)   No person shall willfully injure or damage any sign, signpost, structure or property owned by the City by any unusual, improper or unreasonable use thereof, or by careless driving or use of any vehicle thereon, or by mutilation, defacing or destruction thereof, or cause, encourage, direct or permit another to do the same.
   (b)   No person shall negligently or willfully injure, destroy or deface any bridge, crossing, sidewalk, lamppost, tree, shrub, plant or other property of the City, or cause, encourage, direct or permit another to do the same.
   (c)   No person shall write, print or paint, with chalk, ink, paint or any other material, any obscene word, language or expression upon any building, tenement, fence, wall, sidewalk or other place, or draw or paint on the same any picture or representation of anything of an immodest or vulgar character, or cause, encourage, direct or permit another to do the same.
   (d)   No person shall willfully destroy, injure or deface any engine or other fire apparatus belonging to the City, or cause, encourage, direct or permit another to do the same.
   (e)   No person, except a person connected with the Martinsville Fire Protection District, shall open any signal box or otherwise cause a fire alarm to be sounded, unless an actual fire emergency exists, or break, cut, deface, derange or in any other manner meddle or interfere with any signal box, fire alarm or telegraph or telephone wire, or cause, encourage, direct or permit another to do the same.
   (a)   No person shall post any bills or advertisements on any public property without the written consent of the owner thereof.
(1942 Code Chap. XLIV, Art. IX, Sec. 11)
   (b)   No person shall paste, stick or place any advertisement, handbill, placard or other printed picture, written matter or thing whatsoever upon any house, wall, building, fence, railing, sidewalk or other property in the City without first obtaining the permission of the owner or person in charge thereof.
(1942 Code Chap. XXIII, Sec. 3)
   (c)   No person shall erect or maintain any bulletin board, fence or other structure for the purpose of placing advertisements thereon, upon any premises, without the consent of the owner thereof.
(1942 Code Chap. XXIII, Sec. 4)
   No person shall obstruct or encroach upon any street, alley, sidewalk, crossing or other thoroughfare of the City.
   However, the occupant of a business house may, only while the business is open to the public and during business hours, use a space of not more than three feet next to the outside wall of his or her respective business house for goods, wares and merchandise.
(1942 Code Chap. XXXIX, Sec. 61) (Ord. 2012-11-2. Passed 11-14-12.)