For the purposes of this chapter certain terms and words are herein defined as follows:
   (A)   Rules.
      (1)   Words used in the present tense shall include the future; and words in the singular number shall include the plural number, and the plural the singular.
      (2)   The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary, and the word "may" is permissive.
      (3)   The word "person" includes a "firm," "association," "organization," "partnership," "trust," "company," or "corporation," as well as an "individual."
      (4)   The word "lot" shall include the words "tract," "plot," "piece," and "parcel."
      (5)   The words "used" or "occupied" include the words "intended," "designed," or "arranged to be used."
   (B)   Definitions.
      ACQUISITION PLAT. The graphical representation of the division of land or rights in land, created as the result of a conveyance or condemnation for right-of-way purposes by an agency of the government or other persons having the power of eminent domain.
      ALIQUOT PART. A fractional part of a section within the United States public land survey system. Only the fractional parts one-half, one-quarter, one-half of one-quarter, or one-quarter of one-quarter shall be considered an aliquot part of a section.
      ALLEY. Any strip of land publicly or privately owned, less than 50 feet and more than 16 feet in width between property lines, set aside for secondary public vehicular access to abutting property.
      ARTERIAL STREET OR HIGHWAY. A street or highway of considerable continuity designed primarily to serve as an intercommunication link between various sectors of the area and beyond (such as from within the city to outlying areas).
      AUDITOR'S PLAT. A subdivision plat required by either the auditor or the assessor, prepared by a surveyor under the direction of the auditor.
      CITY COUNCIL. The City Council of Marshalltown, Iowa.
      COLLECTOR STREET. A street designed to serve the internal traffic circulation of a recognized land use area which distributes and collects traffic between local and arterial streets or highways.
      COMMISSION. The City Planning and/or Zoning Commission of Marshalltown, Iowa.
      COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The General Development Plan, or any portion thereof, adopted by the city in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa.
      CONVEYANCE. An instrument filed with a recorder as evidence of the transfer of title to land, including any form of deed or contract.
      CUL-DE-SAC. A comparatively short street having but one end open to traffic and the other end being permanently terminated by a vehicular turn-around.
      DIVISION. Dividing a tract or parcel of land into two parcels of land by conveyance or for tax purposes. The conveyance of an easement, other than a public highway easement, shall not be considered a division for the purpose of this chapter.
      FINAL PLAT. Shall mean the drawings and documents described in § 157.004(B).
      FORTY-ACRE ALIQUOT PART. One-quarter of one-quarter of a section.
      GOVERNING BODY. A city council or the board of supervisors, within whose jurisdiction the land is located, which has adopted ordinances regulating the division of land.
      GOVERNMENT LOT. A tract, within a section, which is normally described by a lot number as represented and identified on the township plat of the United States public land survey system.
      IMPROVEMENTS. Street grading, pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, subdrains, monuments, street signs, street lights, street trees, wire utilities and other facilities the City of Marshalltown may ultimately assume the responsibility for maintenance and operation.
      LOCAL STREET. A street designed for access to abutting property and not intended to facilitate through traffic.
      LOT. A tract of land represented and identified by number or letter designation on an official plat, and occupied or intended to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, together with such open spaces as are required under the provisions of this chapter, having not less than the minimum area required by this chapter for a building site in the Zoning Use District in which such lot is situated, and having its principal frontage on a publicly dedicated street.
      LOT OF RECORD. A lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Marshall County, Iowa, or a parcel of land, the deed of which is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Marshall County, Iowa, as of the 8th day of April, 1991.
      MARGINAL ACCESS STREET OR FRONTAGE ROAD. A local street which is parallel and adjacent to highways and arterials with access to abutting private properties only on one side.
      METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION. A description of land that uses distances and angles, uses distances and bearings, or describes the boundaries of the parcel by reference to physical features of the land.
      OFFICIAL PLAT. Either an auditor's plat or a subdivision plat that meets the requirements of this chapter and I.C.A. Chapter 354, and has been filed for record in the offices of the recorder, auditor, and assessor.
      PARCEL. A part of a tract of land.
      PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. A unique number or combination of numbers assigned to a parcel of land pursuant to I.C.A. § 441.29.
      PLAT OF SURVEY. The graphic representation of a survey of one or more parcels of land, including a complete and accurate description of each parcel within the plat, prepared by a registered land surveyor.
      PRELIMINARY PLAT. Shall mean the drawings and documents described in § 157.004(A).
      PROPRIETOR. A person who has a recorded interest in land, including a person selling or buying land pursuant to a contract, but excluding persons holding a mortgage, easement, or lien interest.
      SUBDIVIDER. The owner of the parcel of land to be subdivided or his authorized representative.
      SUBDIVISION. The division or redivision of a lot, tract or parcel of land regardless of how it is to be used, into three or more lots; or the division or redivision of land involving dedication of a new park, walkway, street or other public right-of-way facility, or the vacation, realignment or any other change in existing streets, alleys, easements, recreating areas, water or other public improvements or facilities provided, however, that the division of land solely for agricultural purposes into parcels of ten acres or more shall not be deemed a subdivision if no public streets, easements and public facilities are involved.
      SUBDIVISION PLAT. The graphical representation of the subdivision of land, prepared by a registered land surveyor, having a number or letter designation for each lot within the plat and a succinct name or title that is unique for the county where the land is located.
      SURVEYOR. A registered land surveyor who engages in the practice of land surveying pursuant to I.C.A. Chapter 542B.
      TRACT. An aliquot part of a section, a lot within an official plat, or a government lot.