The plats shall be prepared at either a size of 11" x 17" or multiples thereof and at a minimum scale of one inch equals 100 feet on a suitable reproducible base as specified by the City Engineer. Plats shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Preliminary plat.
      (1)   Identification and description.
         (a)   Proposed name of subdivision, which name shall not duplicate or be similar in pronunciation to the name of any plat heretofore recorded in the City.
         (b)   Legal description including location by section, township and range.
         (c)   Names, addresses and phone number of the owner, subdivider, planner, engineer, and surveyor of the plat.
         (d)   Graphic scale, north point, and date of survey.
         (e)   Boundary line of proposed subdivision clearly indicated by bearings and distances to section lines or fractional congressional corner.
         (f)   Total acreage of the proposed subdivision.
      (2)   Existing conditions in tract and in surrounding area to a minimum distance of 300 feet.
         (a)   The name and location of adjacent subdivisions.
         (b)   Platted streets, railroad rights-of-way, easement lines of record limited to the plat itself, parks and schools.
         (c)   Boundary lines of adjoining land.
         (d)   Location, size and approximate invert elevations of sewers, water mains, culverts, gas mains, drains, transmission lines or other underground facilities.
         (e)   Permanent buildings, structures, hydrants and utility poles and lines, limited however to the plat itself and the surrounding area to a minimum distance of 50 feet.
         (f)   Lakes, watercourses, marsh areas, rock outcrop, wooded areas, isolated trees of one foot or more diameter, contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet with drainage indicated at all subject property boundaries, indication of top of banks and toe of steep slopes, and such other information as soil tests or depth to ground water if requested by the Commission or City Engineer to aid in their review. All elevation data shall be mean sea level or other workable datum approved by the City Engineer.
         (g)   The existing zoning classification of the tract and adjoining properties.
      (3)   Proposed subdivision design features.
         (a)   Layout, numbers and dimensions of all lots.
         (b)   Location and area of all land intended to be dedicated to public use or reserved in the deeds for use of all property owners in the subdivision.
         (c)   Proposed layout and width of all improvements including streets and easements showing street numbers or names, parks, walkways, and other public areas in conformance with the city's Comprehensive Plan. The name of any street heretofore used in the city shall not be used or be similar in pronunciation to the name of an existing street, unless the proposed street is an extension of an already named street, in which event that name shall be used. The street layout shall include all contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider and be shown in relation to streets and alleys of adjacent subdivisions. In addition, the City Engineer shall advise the subdivider of the extent of the required layout adjacent to the subject property.
         (d)   Proposed street grades, drainage plan, and erosion control plan.
         (e)   A general statement with drawings indicating proposed methods of providing water, storm water and sanitary sewage facilities.
         (f)   A vicinity map at a scale of not less than 2,000 feet to the inch showing the location of streets, major drainage courses, the location of and distance to the nearest subdivision and how the streets may connect with those of the nearest subdivision.
         (g)   A draft of restrictive covenants, if any, whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use and otherwise protect existing natural features and future improvements within the proposed development.
         (h)   The proposed uses of land, giving the type and number of dwelling units and the type of business or industry.
   (B)   Final plat.
      (1)   Title under which the subdivider is to be recorded.
      (2)   Names and addresses of the owners.
      (3)   Date, scale shown graphically, north point, a vicinity map showing the general location of the subdivision and the total area of the plat.
      (4)   Legal description including location by section, township and range.
      (5)   Boundary line of plat with distances and bearings and tied to comers of sections or half-sections.
      (6)   The location and description of all monuments erected.
      (7)   The exact length, width, bearing, radii, points of curvatures and tangency, length of arcs, etc. of the lands surveyed and divided, and of all block lines, lot lines, public grounds, streets, alleys, and easements. Dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot, to the nearest one hundredth of a foot.
      (8)   Name and number of all streets within and abutting the plat, block and lot numbers.
      (9)   Lake or stream shore meander lines, flood plain, floodway, and top and toe of bluffs.
      (10)   Accompanying documents shall include an abstract of title, with title opinion of an attorney at law, an instrument of dedication and certified statements of County officials, as well as other attachments required by I.C.A. § 354.11, together with a form of resolution for acceptance of said dedication by the City Council, and a certified statement from the Registered Land Surveyor that the Subdivision Plat complies with the provisions of I.C.A. Ch. 355.
      (11)   Certifications in substantially the same form as those on file with the City Clerk when requested by the City Solicitor to improve the record and give proper notice to all concerned parties.
      (12)   Final plans and specifications for improvements, approved by the City Engineer and signed by the owner and subdivider, shall accompany the Final Plat.
      (13)   Meet the requirements of I.C.A. Ch. 354.