Subsec. 156.J.002.2 Application and Fees.
   (A)   Applications and fees. Every development review application required by this Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted in a format and with contents established by the Zoning Administrator and shall include the corresponding application fee that is established by the city Council.
   (B)   Applications subject to application filing and fees. Table 156.J.002.12-2, Review Steps, denotes the development review applications that require an application and fees.
   (C)   Authorization to initiate an application. Table 156.J.002.2-1, Application Authorization, denotes those who are authorized to initiate each of the application types.
Table 156.J.002.2
Application Authorization
Application Type
Council or Commission
Property Owner1
Party Aggrieved by an Administrative Decision1
Legislative Review Applications
Administrative Review Applications
Quasi-Judicial Applications
"Yes" = Entity may initiate application | "No" = Entity may not initiate application
   1.   Including his or her agent.
   (D)   Liens, taxes, assessments, and debts to public entities. No application for a permit or approval will be processed for property that is the subject of outstanding liens, delinquent taxes, delinquentassessments, or any other delinquent debts, fines, or obligations to the city, county, a school district, or other public-sector entity that provides services to the property.
   (E)   Representation of facts. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly or willfully misrepresent or fail to include any information required by this Zoning Ordinance on any application. If development is approved upon an application that contains misrepresentations or fails to contain material facts required by the application, then the city shall place a stay or stop-work order on the development or use, which shall remain in place until such time that the approval body receives the required information to its satisfaction.
   (F)   Waiver of submittal requirements. The Zoning Administrator may waive certain submittal requirements in order to tailor the requirements to the information necessary to review a particular application.
   (G)   Deadlines. The Zoning Administrator may establish periodic application submittal deadlines.
   (H)   Continuing review process. Submitted applications shall subsequently undergo the processes established in Subsec. 156.J.002.3, Application Completeness.