Subsec. 156.J.002.3 Application Completeness.
   (A)   Generally. The application completeness review ensures whether or not an application is sufficiently complete to be processed. After an application is submitted, the Zoning Administrator shall review the application and determine if:
      (1)   The application includes all required materials and information;
      (2)   Those parts of the application which are required to be prepared by licensed professionals are, in fact, prepared by such professionals; and
      (3)   Any additional information that is necessary to demonstrate compliance with all of the applicable requirements of this Zoning Ordinance or that was identified as part of a pre-application conference.
   (B)   Applications requiring an application completeness review. Table 156.J.002.12-2, Review Steps, denotes the development review applications that require application completeness.
   (C)   Completeness does not equate to approval. A determination of completeness does not mean that:
      (1)   During review, additional clarification or information will not be needed;
      (2)   The application will receive a positive recommendation or positive final decision from the applicable administrative body; or
      (3)   The contents of the submittal are accurate or that they comply with the standards of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (D)   Incomplete applications.
      (1)   If the Zoning Administrator determines a submittal not to be complete, the Administrator shall:
         (a)   Notify the applicant in writing with a list of all missing or incomplete items; and
         (b)   Provide a maximum of ten business days for the applicant to resubmit the missing or incomplete items.
      (2)   If the applicant does not resubmit the missing or incomplete items within ten business days, the Zoning Administrator shall deem the submittal null and void.
   (E)   Refunds. Fees for applications deemed incomplete and null and void are non-refundable.
   (F)   Continuing review process. Complete applications shall subsequently undergo the processes established in Subsec. 156.J.002.4, Staff Review.