117.01 Definition
117.02 Taxicab service license required
117.03 Applications
117.04 Character of applicant
117.05 City Council action
117.06 Taxicab license fee
117.07 Vehicle requirements
117.08 Taxicab driver requirements
117.09 Insurance requirements, traffic rules, unlawful acts
117.10 Passengers
117.11 Rates
117.12 Posting of rates
117.13 Transfers and new drivers
117.14 Suspension or revocation
117.15 Effective date
117.99 Penalty
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of operating a taxicab service in the City of Marseilles without first having a valid license approved by the City Council and issued by the City Clerk.
(Ord. 1471, passed 4-4-12) Penalty, see § 117.99
An application for a license to operate a taxicab service shall be made in writing to the City Clerk and shall state thereon the name of the applicant, the intended place of business, the number of taxicabs to be operated, and the rates to be charged. If the applicant is a business entity other than a sole proprietorship, all principal parties of the business entity shall be identified by name, address and such other identifying information required for a background investigation.
(Ord. 1471, passed 4-4-12)
No license shall be issued to or held by any person who is not a person of good character and reputation, or who has been convicted of a felony, nor shall such license be issued to or held by any entity if any principal thereof would be ineligible for a license under the foregoing conditions. The Chief of Police, or their designee, is responsible for conducting a background investigation on each applicant and each principal of a business entity. An applicant shall cooperate with such investigation or the application shall be denied.
(Ord. 1471, passed 4-4-12)