Rates shall only be those approved with the license. For good cause shown, a licensee may petition the City Council for a rate change. No person operating any metered taxicab in the city shall charge in excess of city approved meter rates. No charge is allowed for packages that can be carried into the taxi or placed in a taxi trunk.
(Ord. 1471, passed 4-4-12) Penalty, see § 117.99
(A) No tag or sticker for use of a vehicle as a taxicab may be transferred from one taxicab to another by the City Clerk except upon approval by the Chief of Police or designee indicating compliance with vehicle, insurance, and other requirements of this Chapter 117. A $35 transfer fee shall be required for any transfer from one taxicab to another.
(B) No new driver may take the place of an approved retiring driver except upon approval by the Chief of Police or designee indicating compliance with this Chapter 117.
(Ord. 1471, passed 4-4-12) Penalty, see § 117.99