Water Department
172.001 Operation and funding
172.002 Definitions
172.003 Consumer's application
172.004 Water contract
172.005 Installation procedure
172.006 Installation expense
172.007 Repairs and maintenance
172.008 Minimum rates
172.009 Water bills
172.010 Lien
172.011 Single premises
172.012 Restricted use
172.013 Fire hydrants
172.014 Pollution
172.015 Mandatory hook-up
172.016 Water service contract
172.017 Inspection
172.018 Destruction of property
172.019 Wellhead protection area
172.020 Wellhead protection plan
172.021 Drought emergency contingency plan
Backflow/Backsiphonage Prevention
172.030 Statement of purpose
172.031 Definitions
172.032 Declaration of nuisance
172.033 Unlawful connections; new installations and repairs
172.034 Prevention devices required
172.035 Minimum protection
172.036 Installation inspection
172.037 New meter installation
172.038 Maintenance
172.039 Testing
172.040 Water Commissioner/Public Works Commissioner authority
172.041 Appeals
172.042 Violation; penalty
172.043 Abatement of nuisance
Sewer Department
172.050 Operation and funding
172.051 Definitions
172.052 Application for permit
172.053 Sewer contract
172.054 Mandatory hookup
172.055 Direct connections
172.056 Service contracts
172.057 Installation procedure
172.058 Installation expense
172.059 Repairs and replacement
172.060 Classification
172.061 Rate setting
172.062 Service deposit
172.063 Collection of sewer bills
172.064 Unlawful use
172.065 Special equipment
172.066 Manholes
172.067 Inspections
Solid Waste
172.070 Definitions
172.071 Village-wide collection and contract; rules
172.072 Service; billing
172.073 Service charge; delinquency; collection
172.074 Hazardous waste; special handling
172.075 Nuisance abatement