When reviewing requests for use on review permits, the Planning Commission may require that the applicant furnish plans and data concerning the operation, location, function, and characteristics of any use of land or building proposed.
The Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council that certain safeguards and conditions concerning setbacks, ingress and egress, off-street parking and loading arrangements, and location or construction of buildings and uses and operation be required. The foregoing standards are considered to be minimal. The Planning Commission may recommend additional standards and conditions.
The City Council may, in the interest of the public welfare and to assure compliance with the intent of this title, require such development standards and operational conditions and safeguards as are indicated to be important to the welfare and protection of adjacent property and the community as a whole.
   A.   Residential uses:
      1.   Manufactured Homes In A-1 Districts: In the A-1 District, manufactured homes are permissible on lots of at least five (5) acres in size.
      2.   Manufactured Home Communities/Mobile Home Park:
         a.   Access to the park/subdivision/community shall be from a major street.
         b.   Manufactured/mobile homes shall set back at least fifty feet (50') from all property lines.
      3.   Convalescent Home, Nursing Home, Or Assisted Living Facility: In the A-1, A-2, R-E, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the use shall abut a major street.
   B.   Public and institutional uses: (Section 10-3-1, table 3.1-1 of this chapter lists some of these uses with categories such as personal services, recreation.)
      1.   Arboretum Or Botanical Garden:
         a.   In the R-E, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the use shall abut a major street.
         b.   No sales are allowed with this use, except through gift shops that are approved accessory uses.
      2.   Art Gallery Or Museum: In the A-1, A-2, R-E, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the use shall abut a major street.
      3.   Cemetery:
         a.   Cemeteries shall have a minimum net area of forty (40) acres.
         b.   All principal vehicular entrances and exits shall be on major streets. Access lanes (i.e., acceleration and deceleration lanes) shall be provided on all principal entrances.
         c.   Cemeteries may be permitted to have funeral homes or crematories as accessory uses.
         d.   Structure or building line setbacks shall be one hundred feet (100') from arterial streets and fifty feet (50') from non-major streets.
         e.   No gravesite shall be located within twenty five feet (25') of a future street right-of-way.
      4.   Crematorium, Without Funeral Parlor Or Public Area:
         a.   All vehicular access shall be from a major street.
         b.   All buildings shall set back at least fifty feet (50') from all property lines.
      5.   Library: In the A-1, A-2, R-E, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the use shall abut a major street.
      6.   Place Of Assembly: Any place of assembly use shall meet the following standards:
         a.   Where an assembly use is originally approved by specific use or PUD, any subsequent associated development that increases the intensity of the use on the site by more than what has been approved shall require an amendment to the specific use or PUD. For the purposes of this section, an increase in intensity shall be measured as: 1) an increase in vehicular trips generated and/or 2) an increase in impervious surface by five percent (5%) or more.
         b.   Developments designed to accommodate more than one gathering, ceremony, or meeting within any two-hour window shall be required to provide overflow parking spaces: one space for every two and one-half (21/2) persons of maximum fire-rated occupancy in addition to the standard parking requirements listed in section 10-5-3 of this title.
         c.   Places of assembly shall be located on a parcel with a minimum net lot area of two (2) acres. No parking shall be permitted within a required front yard or building line setback, within agriculture (A-1, A-2) or any residential (R) zoning district.
      7.   Schools:
         a.   All colleges, universities, private schools, high schools and trade schools shall have their principal vehicular entrance and exit on a major street. Ingress and egress to local streets shall be prohibited. Elementary and middle schools may have ingress and egress to local streets if it will not cause adverse impacts on surrounding properties.
      8.   Child Care Centers: Child care centers and day care centers/nurseries are permitted uses on review in the public facilities zoning district.
   C.   Commercial uses:
      1.   Animal Hospitals, Animal Training School, Kennel, And Veterinary Clinic: All such uses shall have their principal entrance and exit on a major street and if serving large animals shall be located on land no less than five (5) acres.
      2.   Recreational Vehicle Campground/Park: Applications for recreational vehicle campgrounds/parks shall comply with and show the method of complying with the following standards:
         a.   No trailer, RV, or other similar vehicle shall be allowed for more than fourteen (14) days.
         b.   No trailer, RV, or other similar vehicle will be parked for sale or display.
         c.   Only hard-surfaced roads shall be used throughout the grounds.
         d.   Each campground shall provide facilities for the appropriate disposal of waste water, trash, and related items.
         e.   The following items shall be graphically shown on the application:
            (1)   All RV pad locations.
            (2)   Pathways.
            (3)   Provisions for utility hookups.
            (4)   Parking facilities.
            (5)   Restroom facilities.
            (6)   Water/wastewater treatment facilities.
            (7)   Dumpster locations and provisions for other trash receptacles.
            (8)   Playground facilities.
            (9)   Compliance with ADA guidelines.
            (10)   Landscaping.
            (11)   Lighting.
            (12)   Signage.
            (13)   Stormwater detention.
      3.   Recreation And Entertainment, Outdoor: All uses of this type requiring a specific use permit shall abut a major street.
      4.   Vehicle Sales And Rental: Applications for vehicle sales and rental shall comply with the following standards:
         a.   The minimum lot size shall be two and one-half (21/2) acres, and the site shall have a minimum of two hundred feet (200') street frontage.
         b.   Such uses shall be located a minimum of two hundred feet (200') from any residential district, school, hospital, park, government office, or place of public assembly.
         c.   No outdoor speakers shall be allowed within five hundred feet (500') of a residential area.
         d.   Vehicle sales and rental are discouraged in multitenant commercial areas.
   D.   Industrial uses:
      1.   Assembly, Light: No outdoor storage or assembly is allowed.
      2.   Solid Waste Disposal: This use shall be approved in accordance to State and Federal regulations and guidelines and shall be situated on land no less than forty (40) acres.
      3.   Mini-Storage:
         a.   Building And Equipment Setbacks:
            (1)   A mini-storage facility shall be set back a minimum of seventy five feet (75') from any arterial street or limited access highway right-of-way.
            (2)   Mini-storage facilities shall meet the side and rear setbacks required by the underlying zone district or development plan, as applicable.
         b.   Operational Requirements:
            (1)   The mini-storage facility shall have a security system requiring the use of cards, keypads, keys or similar security devices limiting access to tenants and to fire, police, and emergency service officials when required.
            (2)   Self-storage units shall be used solely for the purpose of storage of goods and possessions and shall not be used for conducting or operating a business, hobby, or any type of activity not related to the storage of personal property.
            (3)   No mini-storage unit shall be used for the storage of explosives, ammunition or hazardous or flammable materials and the operator/owner of a mini-storage facility shall include such requirement in its written agreement with each tenant.
            (4)   No outdoor storage is permitted on the site of the mini- storage facility.
      4.   Auto Salvage Yard:
         a.   Such uses shall be located a minimum of two hundred feet (200') from any residential district, school, hospital, park, government office, or place of public assembly.
         b.   All such uses shall be so screened by ornamental walls or opaque fences that are at least eight feet (8') in height.
         c.   Provision shall be made to prevent any contamination of the domestic water supply or excessive surface runoff from the property into adjoining lands or streams. The drainage plan that carries water off the site shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. (Ord. 420, 12-18-2017; amd. Ord. 433, 9-24-2019)