A.   Purpose: This section is intended to provide for the location and design of off-street parking areas to accommodate motor vehicles, while balancing the needs of pedestrians, and bicyclists. Parking areas are secondary and supportive to the primary land uses on the site, and parking lot design should emphasize the primary facade and orient pedestrians toward the principal entranceways and walkways.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   Generally:
         a.   The off-street parking and loading standards of this section shall apply to all parking lots and parking structures accessory to any new building constructed and to any new use established in every district.
         b.   The requirements of this section shall apply to all temporary parking lots and parking lots that are the principal use on a site.
      2.   Expansions And Enlargements: Where an existing parking area is altered or expanded to increase the number of spaces to a total of more than twenty (20), the standards of this section shall apply.
      3.   Downtown Overlay District Exempted: Off-street parking is not required for uses in the DT District.
   C.   Computation Of Parking And Loading Requirements:
      1.   Fractions: When measurements of the number of required spaces result in a fractional number, any fraction shall be rounded up to the next higher whole number.
      2.   Multiple Uses: Lots containing more than one use shall provide parking and loading in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all uses, unless otherwise modified by the parking alternatives in subsection G of this section.
      3.   Area Measurements: Unless otherwise specified, all square footage-based parking and loading standards shall be computed on the basis of gross floor area of the use in question. Structured parking within a building shall not be counted in such measurement.
      4.   Computation Of Off-Street Parking: Required off-street loading spaces shall not be included as off-street parking spaces in computation of required off-street parking spaces.
      5.   Parking For Unlisted Uses: Parking requirements for uses not specifically listed in table 5.3-1 of this section shall be determined by the City Administrator based on the requirements for the closest comparable use. The City Administrator may alternately require the submittal of a parking demand study that justifies estimates of parking demand based on the recommendations of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and includes relevant data collected from uses or combinations of uses that are the same or comparable to the proposed use in terms of density, scale, bulk, area, type of activity, and location.
      6.   Approval Required: Listed uses in the tables in this section does not indicate acceptance of use by the City, its staff or any board, council or commission.
   D.   Off-Street Parking Requirements:
      1.   Schedule A: Unless otherwise expressly stated in this title, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with table 5.3-1 of this subsection (does not constitute approval):
TABLE 5.3-1
Use Category
Use Type
Minimum Parking Spaces Required
Use Category
Use Type
Minimum Parking Spaces Required
Residential uses:
Group living
Boarding, dormitory, and rooming house
1 per bed
Convalescent home, nursing home, or assisted living facility
1 per 2 beds/rooms (whichever is greater), plus 1 space per 2 employees on largest shift
Group home
1 per 2 beds, plus 1 per 100 square feet of assembly area
Household living
Dwelling, duplex
2 per unit
Dwelling, mobile/manufactured home
2 per unit
Dwelling, multifamily
2 per unit
Dwelling, single-family attached
2 per unit
Dwelling, single-family detached
2 per unit
Dwelling, zero lot line
2 per unit
Mobile/manufactured home park
2 per unit (include visitor parking - 2 spaces per 3 mobile homes)
Mobile/manufactured home subdivision
2 per unit (include visitor parking - 2 spaces per 3 mobile homes)
Public/institutional uses:
Child care facility
Child care center
1 per 400 square feet plus 1 additional space for pickup and delivery of children
Day care center/nursery school
1 per 400 square feet plus 1 additional space for pickup and delivery of children
Home day care
2 per dwelling unit plus 1 space for day care patrons
Community service
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Crematorium, without funeral parlor or public area
1 space per 400 square feet of office area
Government administration and civic buildings
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Municipal or community recreation center
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Place of assembly
1 per 4 seats in meeting area or 1 per 100 square feet in meeting area without seats
Public safety facility
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Cultural facility
Art gallery or museum, public
1 per 400 square feet of building area
Library, public
1 per 300 square feet of building area
College or university, private school
1 per 400 square feet of building area
Elementary school
1 per 800 square feet of building area
Middle school or high school
1 per 400 square feet of building area
Trade school
1 per each 2 students, based on design capacity
Health care facility
1 per 2 beds plus 1 space per 300 square feet of office area
Medical office or clinic
1 per 250 square feet of building area
Parks and open space
Arboretum or botanical garden
1 per 300 square feet of gross area
Campground/RV park
1 per camp site plus 1 per employee on largest shift
Community playfields and parks
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Telecommunication facility
Broadcasting or recording studio (no tower)
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Tower (including any facility with tower)
No parking requirement
Transmitting station (no tower)
1 per 200 square feet of building area
Transportation facility
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Bus and passenger train terminal
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Utility facility, major
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Utility facility, minor
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Commercial uses:
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Animal sales and services
Animal pet shop, retail
1 per 300 square feet of retail area
Animal training school
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
1 per 200 square feet of building area
Veterinary clinic/animal hospital
1 per 200 square feet of building area
Veterinary clinic, large animal
1 per 200 square feet of building area
Financial service
Financial institution, with drive-thru
1 per 300 square feet, plus stacking spaces per subsection E of this section
Financial institution, without drive-thru
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Food and beverage service
1 per 100 square feet (including outdoor serving/seating areas)
Catering service
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Fruit and vegetable market
1 per 300 square feet of retail area
Restaurant, drive-in
1 per 100 square feet (including outdoor serving/seating areas)
Restaurant, with drive-thru
1 per 100 square feet (including outdoor serving/seating areas) plus stacking requirements per subsection E of this section
Restaurant, without drive-thru
1 per 100 square feet (including outdoor serving/seating areas)
Office, business or professional
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Research laboratory
1 per 500 square feet of building area
Recreation and entertainment, indoor
Art gallery or museum, private
1 per 400 square feet of building area
Fitness and recreational sports center
1 per 250 square feet of building area
General indoor recreation
1 per 250 square feet of public area
Major entertainment facility
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Movie theatre
1 per each 4 seats provided
Recreation and entertainment, outdoor
General outdoor recreation
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Golf course or driving range, unlighted or lighted:
Golf course
6 per hole
Driving range
1.5 spaces per tee
Additional 1 per 400 square feet
Major entertainment facility
1 per each 4 seats provided in the main seating area(s)
RV campground/park
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Race track (auto, dog, or horse)
1 per each 4 seats provided in the main seating area(s)
Shooting range
1 per bay
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Retail (personal service)
Dry cleaning and laundry service
1 per 300 square feet of building area
Funeral services
1 per 4 seats of main assembly room
General personal services:
Under 2,000 square feet (gross floor area)
1 per 250 square feet
2,000 square feet or more (gross floor area)
1 per 300 square feet
Instructional services
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Retail (sales)
Alcoholic beverages, retail sale
1 per 300 square feet of retail space
Convenience store with gas sales
1 per dispensing station plus 1 space per 200 square feet of retail space
Horticulture nursery sales
1 per 300 square feet of retail area
Open-air market or flea market
See schedule B of this section
Retail, general
1 per 300 square feet of retail area
Retail, large
1 space per 300 square feet of retail area
Sexually oriented business:
Bar, restaurant, or entertainment space
1 space per 100 square feet
Retail sales/rental space
1 space per 300 square feet of retail area
Vehicles and equipment
Boat and/or RV storage
1 per 50 vehicles stored
Car wash
1 per 500 square feet of building area
Gasoline sales
1 per dispensing station plus 1 space per 200 square feet of retail space
Parking structure
See subsection H of this section
Vehicle sales and rental
1 per 400 square feet of office sales area, plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet outdoor display area
Vehicle service and repair, major
1 per 400 square feet of building area
Vehicle service and repair, minor
1 per 400 square feet of building area
Visitor accommodation
Bed and breakfast
1 per bedroom, plus 2 spaces for primary residence
Hotel or motel
1 per room, plus 1 space per employee on largest shift, plus 1 space per 300 square feet of meeting or restaurant and bar area
Industrial uses:
Industrial service
Fossil fuel storage
1 per employee on largest shift
General industrial service
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Manufacturing and production
Assembly, light
1 per 1,500 square feet of building area
Manufacturing, heavy
1 per 1,500 square feet of building area
Manufacturing, light
1 per 1,500 square feet of building area
Mining and processing
Minerals and raw materials
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Oil and gas
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Warehouse and freight movement
1 per 3,000 square feet of covered storage space
Motor freight terminal
See schedule B of this section
Office warehouse
See schedule B of this section
Storage yard
See schedule B of this section
See schedule B of this section
Wholesale establishment
See schedule B of this section
Waste and salvage
Auto salvage yard
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Scrap operations
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Recycling center (outdoor or indoor)
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
Solid waste disposal
See subsection D3, "Schedule C", of this section
      2.   Schedule B: Uses that reference "schedule B" in table 5.3-1 of this section shall provide the following minimum number of off- street parking spaces listed in table 5.3-2, "Off-Street Parking Schedule B", of this subsection D2. Most uses subject to this schedule will engage in more than one type of activity. Unless otherwise approved, lots containing more than one activity shall provide parking and loading in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all activities.
TABLE 5.3-2
Number Of Spaces Required (Building)
Number Of Spaces Required (Building)
Indoor sales area
1 per 250 square feet
Indoor storage/warehousing/ vehicle service/manufacturing area:
1 - 3,000 square feet
1 per 300 square feet
3,001 - 5,000 square feet
1 per 650 square feet
5,001 - 10,000 square feet
1 per 750 square feet
10,001 - 50,000 square feet
1 per 1,250 square feet
50,001 square feet +
1 per 1,500 square feet
1 per 300 square feet
Outdoor sales or display area (3,000 square feet or less)
1 per 750 square feet
Outdoor sales or display area (over 3,000 square feet)
1 per 2,000 square feet
      3.   Schedule C: Uses that reference "schedule C" in table 5.3-1 of this section have widely varying parking and loading demand characteristics, making it impossible to specify a single off- street parking or loading standard. Upon receiving a development application for a use subject to Schedule C standards, the City Administrator shall apply the off-street parking and loading standard specified for the listed use that is deemed most similar to the proposed use or establish minimum off-street parking requirements on the basis of a parking and loading study prepared by the applicant. Such a study shall include estimates of parking demand based on recommendations of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), or other acceptable estimates as approved by the City Administrator, and should include other reliable data collected from uses or combinations of uses that are the same as or comparable with the proposed use. Comparability will be determined by density, scale, bulk, area, type of activity, and location. The study shall document the source of data used to develop the recommendations.
   E.   Stacking Spaces For Drive-Through Uses: In addition to meeting the off-street parking requirements of this section, drive- through facilities specified in table 5.3-3 of this subsection shall comply with the following minimum stacking space standards:
TABLE 5.3-3
Type Of Use
Minimum Stacking Spaces
Measured From
Car wash, automatic
Bay entrance
Car wash, full service
Bay entrance
Car wash, self-service
Bay entrance
Financial institution, with drive-thru
Teller window
Gasoline sales gas pump island
30 feet from each end of island
Restaurant, with drive thru
Pick-up window
   F.   Handicapped Parking Requirements:
      1.   Residential Uses: Handicapped-accessible parking for residential uses shall be provided at the rate of one space per each dwelling unit that is designed for occupancy by the handicapped.
      2.   Nonresidential Uses: Handicapped-accessible parking spaces shall be provided for uses other than residential at the rate shown in table 5.3-4 of this subsection:
TABLE 5.3-4
Total Number Of Required Parking Spaces
Number Of Required Handicapped Spaces
Total Number Of Required Parking Spaces
Number Of Required Handicapped Spaces
   1 - 25
   26 - 50
   51 - 75
   76 - 100
   101 - 150
   151 - 200
   201 - 300
   301 - 400
   401 - 500
   501 - 1,000
2 percent of total spaces
   Above 1,000
20 spaces, plus 1 space for each 100 over 1,000 spaces or fraction thereof
   G.   Parking Alternatives: The City Administrator may approve alternatives to providing the minimum number of off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following standards:
      1.   Shared Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements in table 5.3-1 of this section; provided, however, required parking spaces may be provided on the lot containing the uses the required parking is intended to serve or may be provided in common off-street parking facilities. The City Administrator may approve such shared parking facilities for developments or uses if the shared parking spaces will be located within six hundred feet (600') of an entrance to the building the parking is intended to serve (measured along the shortest legal pedestrian route).
      2.   Off-Site Parking: The City Administrator may approve the location of required off-street parking spaces on a separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located if the off- site parking complies with all of the following standards:
         a.   Location: No off-site parking space may be located more than six hundred feet (600') from an entrance (measured along the shortest legal pedestrian route) of the use it is intended to serve. Off-site parking spaces may not be separated from the use served by a street right-of-way with a width of more than eighty feet (80'), unless a grade-separated pedestrian walkway, a traffic signal, a shuttle bus, or other traffic control is provided or remote parking shuttle bus service is provided.
         b.   Control Of Site: Required parking spaces for residential uses must be located on the site of the use or within a tract owned in common by all the owners of the properties that will use the tract.
         c.   Ineligible Activities: Required parking spaces for persons with disabilities may not be located off-site.
      3.   Other Eligible Alternatives: At the City's discretion, the City Administrator may approve any other alternative to providing off-street parking spaces on the site of the subject development if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City Administrator that the proposed plan will protect surrounding neighborhoods, maintain traffic circulation patterns, and promote quality urban design to at least the same extent as would strict compliance with otherwise applicable off-street parking standards.
   H.   Parking Lot Dimensions And Design Standards:
      1.   Location And Setbacks:
         a.   Off-Street Parking Lots:
            (1)   All Districts: Unless otherwise approved under the parking alternatives subsection above, the off-street parking lot shall be located within two hundred feet (200'), exclusive of street and alley widths, of an entrance of the principal use it is intended to serve, and shall have direct access to a street or alley.
            (2)   Residential Or Adjacent To Residential Districts: No parking area accessory to a nonresidential use shall be permitted within a front yard setback if the use is located in a residential district or immediately abutting the front yard of a residential use.
            (3)   Downtown District: In the DT District, no parking shall be permitted within a front yard setback.
            (4)   Property Lines: Vehicles shall not hang over property lines. This shall be accomplished by one of the following:
   (A) Pavement shall set back at least three feet (3') from the property line.
   (B) A fence or other form of barrier shall be installed that prevents vehicles from overhanging the property line.
   (C) A mutual access easement is provided that allows cross access between the properties.
      2.   Dimensions Of Parking Spaces: Parking layout dimensions for required off-street parking spaces and aisles shall be in accordance with or in proportion to the standards set forth in illustrations 5.8 through 5.11 of this subsection.
      3.   Recreational Vehicle Spaces: Parking spaces for recreational vehicles, if provided, shall be a maximum of ten feet (10') by forty feet (40').
      4.   Construction And Drainage: All parking areas shall be constructed and drained in accordance with the area surrounding the site. Highway construction must obtain required State licenses.
      5.   Maintenance: Parking facilities shall be continually maintained in compliance with the approved site and/or subdivision plan and shall be free of litter and debris at all times.
      6.   Surface Requirement: All parking spaces required by this section shall be paved with a sealed, all-weather surface pavement of asphalt or concrete. For purposes of this section, an area used for secured storage of vehicles that is anticipated to last for more than four (4) months without interruption is exempt from this paving requirement.
      7.   Vehicular Circulation: All parking areas shall be located and designed so as to avoid undue interference with the use of public streets and alleys. Parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering room so that all vehicles may enter an abutting street in a forward direction. The backing of a motor vehicle onto a public street from a parking area is prohibited, except from a residential parking area that does not exceed two (2) spaces per dwelling unit. Parking spaces must be directly accessible to a parking aisle.
      8.   Driveways: Driveways for single-family residences shall not exceed twenty five feet (25') in width, exclusive of curb returns.
   I.   Off-Street Loading Requirements: Development of any nonresidential or public/institutional use shall require provision of off-street loading spaces in conformance with the following minimum requirements:
      1.   Types Of Loading Berths: Required off-street loading space shall be provided in berths that conform to the following minimum specifications:
         a.   Type A berths shall be at least sixty feet (60') long by ten feet (10') wide by fourteen feet, six inches (14'6") high, inside dimensions.
         b.   Type B berths shall be at least thirty feet (30') long by ten feet (10') wide by 14 feet, six inches (14'6") high, inside dimensions.
         c.   Type C berths shall be located in the rear of a lot and may utilize part of an adjacent alley. The building setback shall be a minimum of five feet (5') from the property line along the alley for the entire width of the lot.
      2.   Number Of Spaces: The following numbers and types of berths shall be provided for the specified uses in table 5.3-5, "Off- Street Loading Berths", of this subsection I2 provided. The uses specified in this subsection shall include all structures designed, intended, or arranged for such use.
TABLE 5.3-5
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (Square Feet)
Berths Required
Aggregate Gross Floor Area (Square Feet)
Berths Required
Public/institutional uses:
Cultural facilities
7,000 - 24,000
24,000 - 50,000
50,000 - 100,000
Each additional 50,000 or major fraction thereof over 100,000
1 additional
Educational facilities
Over 14,000
Human health care facilities
10,000 - 100,000
Over 100,000
Railroad freight terminals and other transportation facilities
12,000 - 36,000
36,000 - 60,000
60,000 - 100,000
Each additional 50,000 or fraction thereof over 100,000
1 additional
Commercial uses:
All commercial establishments not otherwise specified
7,000 - 24,000
24,000 - 50,000
50,000 - 100,000
Each additional 50,000 or major fraction thereof over 100,000
1 additional
Visitor accommodations and office uses
25,000 - 40,000
40,000 - 100,000
Each additional 100,000 or major fraction thereof over 100,000
1 additional
Industrial uses:
All industrial uses
12,000 - 36,000
36,000 - 60,000
60,000 - 100,000
Each additional 50,000 or major fraction thereof over 100,000
1 additional
      3.   Uses Not Specifically Mentioned: In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in this section, the requirements for off-street loading facilities shall be the same as the use mentioned in this section that, in the opinion of the City Administrator, has most similar parking characteristics to the use mentioned in terms of loading classification.
      4.   Concurrent Different Uses: When any proposed structure will be used concurrently for different purposes, final determination of loading requirements shall be made by the City Administrator, but in no event shall the loading requirements be less than the total requirements for each use based upon its aggregate gross floor area.
      5.   Location Of Off-Street Loading Facilities: Off-street loading facilities required under this section shall be in all cases on the same lot or parcel of land as the structure they are intended to serve. The required off-street loading space shall not be part of the area used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements unless approved by the City Administrator based on the adequacy of the site to accommodate both simultaneously. The placement of off-street loading facilities adjacent to residential areas or in an area with a residential zoning classification shall be prohibited. Mitigation techniques, including appropriate site design measures, may be required by the City Administrator.
      6.   Manner Of Using Loading Areas: No space for loading or unloading of vehicles shall be so located that a vehicle using such loading space projects into any public street. Loading spaces shall be provided with access to an alley, or, if no alley adjoins the lot, with access to a street. Any required front, side, or rear yard may be used for loading unless otherwise prohibited by this title. Design and location of entrances and exits for required off-street loading areas shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator based on consideration of the traffic flow and traffic safety.
         a.   Off-Street Loading Area Screening: Off-street loading areas shall be designed and located to reduce the visual and acoustic impacts of its functions on adjacent properties and public streets. Non-enclosed off-street loading areas shall be screened with durable, sight-obscuring walls and/or fences of between six feet (6') and eight feet (8') in height. Screening materials shall be the same as, or of equal quality to, the materials used for the primary building and landscaping.
      7.   Loading Area Location: To the maximum extent feasible, loading areas shall be located to the rear of a site and/or away from adjacent residential areas.
      8.   Signs: The owners of the property shall provide, locate, and maintain loading signs as specified by the City Administrator. Such signs shall not be counted against allowed advertising sign area.
   J.   Prohibited Occupation Of Parking Spaces:
      1.   Except for infrequent, special, temporary events approved under section 10-3-4, "Temporary Uses And Structures", of this title, required parking spaces shall be available for the parking of operable passenger vehicles of residents, customers, patrons, and employees only, and shall not be used for the storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use, or for the purpose of advertising.
      2.   Parking for which a fee or other payment is paid or received shall be a principal use, not an accessory use unless approved as part of a specific use permit or planned unit development application.
   K.   Parking In Residential And Agricultural Zoned Districts:
      1.   Surface Requirement: All parking spaces or areas where any vehicle is stored or parked shall be paved with a solid, all- weather surface pavement of asphalt or concrete.
      2.   Driveways And Parking Spaces:
         a.   Platted Subdivisions:
            (1)   All parking spaces or areas where any vehicle is stored or parked shall be paved with a solid, all-weather pavement of asphalt or concrete.
            (2)   Driveway from edge of the street to parking space shall be paved with a solid all-weather pavement of asphalt or concrete.
            (3)   Driveway ingress (approach) width shall be no greater than twenty five feet (25') exclusive of curb returns at the street curb or pavement edge for two-car garages and no more than twenty seven feet (27') for three-car garages.
         b.   Unplatted Areas: Unplatted properties that contain one acre or more where a residential use exists.
            (1)   All parking spaces or areas where any vehicle is stored or parked shall be paved with solid, all-weather pavement of asphalt or concrete and shall be at least twenty five feet (25') in length.
            (2)   Driveways from the edge of the street shall be paved with a solid, all-weather pavement of asphalt or concrete from the curb or pavement edge and extending twenty five feet (25') past the ultimate right-of-way.
            (3)   Driveway ingress (approach) width shall be no greater than twenty five feet (25') exclusive of curb returns at the curb or pavement edge for two-car garages and no more than twenty seven feet (27') for three-car garages except in cases where agricultural use and residential use occur together, the City Administrator or designee may grant an exception to the maximum width of the driveway ingress (approach) to accommodate typical agricultural-related equipment needs.
            (4)   After twenty five feet (25') beyond the ultimate right-of-way pavement to the parking spaces may be paved with an all-weather type paved surface, ecologically friendly materials such as concrete pavers, or washed gravel, if this distance is fifty feet (50') or greater. If this distance is less than fifty feet (50'), this area shall meet the above requirements of this subsection K2b.
            (5)   Unplatted residentially zoned and/or used properties that are less than one acre will comply with the standards of platted subdivisions for all parking spaces and driveway/ingress surfaces.
      3.   Commercial Vehicle Parking: No more than one commercial vehicle, which does not exceed one and one-half (11/2) tons rated capacity, per family living on the premises, shall be permitted; and in no case shall a commercial vehicle used for hauling explosives, gasoline, or liquefied petroleum products be permitted.
      4.   Recreational Vehicle (RV) And Boat Parking: No more than one camping, or travel trailer, or hauling trailer, or recreational vehicle per household shall be permitted on any residential lot, and no more than one boat and its associated trailer, per household shall be parked or stored on any residential lot exclusive of those vehicles entirely stored within a fully enclosed structure. Provided that no trailer, boat, or recreational vehicle shall be parked or stored on the premises for more than a single period not to exceed twenty four (24) hours in length during any week unless such is located behind the front building line. On corner lots burdened by building lines from two (2) streets, no such vehicle shall be parked or stored unless such is located behind both building lines. The City Administrator or a designee may authorize the parking of recreational vehicles in front of building lines for periods of up to three (3) days plus extensions not to exceed ten (10) days cumulative, where temporary special circumstances would justify such a nonrecurring use for visitors to the household, and all streets, sidewalks, and sight triangles remain clear. For the purposes of this section, a week shall be defined as a period of time commencing at twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight Sunday morning, and ending at eleven fifty nine o'clock (11:59) P.M. Saturday evening.
      5.   Unlicensed, Untagged And Inoperable Vehicles: No person shall park, store, leave or permit the parking, storing or leaving of any abandoned, partially dismantled, non-operating, wrecked or junked vehicle in the open, upon public or private property on a public street, for a period exceeding forty eight (48) hours, unless such vehicle or the parts thereof are stored within a fully enclosed building or are stored on property lawfully designated under this title as a place where such vehicles may be stored.
      6.   Vehicles In Side Or Back Yards: No vehicles, other than recreation vehicles (as described in subsection K4 of this section), shall be parked, stored or kept in any side or rear yards. (Ord. 420, 12-18-2017)