If a proposed development will be located in a zone of medium or high landslip/soil slippage, potential, will affect a stream channel, or will consist of more than one acre of earth disturbed area or within a Common Plan of Development and will, therefore, under Section 1153.02 require approval of development plans prior to commencement of earth disturbing activities, those plans shall contain, at a minimum, the information that is specified below, as applicable. The City Engineer shall have the right to require any additional information deemed necessary to determine compliance with the requirements of this Title, and
shall also have the right to waive individual informational requirements.   
   (a)   All plans shall include the following:
      (1)   Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the property owner(s) and his representative(s), the applicant (if other than the owner), the qualified professional person(s) who prepared the plan(s), and the person(s) who will be responsible for the development area.
      (2)   Certification by the qualified professional person(s) who prepared the plan(s) that the project as proposed has been designed using sound, prudent engineering practices to meet all applicable requirements of this Title.
      (3)   Certification by the property owner or his representative that all development will conform to the plan for the development area submitted to and approved by the City Engineer in accordance with the terms of this Title.
      (4)   Title, scale, direction, legend, dates of all maps and revisions, and dates of all fieldwork and reports. Maps shall be drawn to a scale of no less than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet and shall have dimensions no larger than 22 x 34 inches. Maps may be combined, so long as all required information is clearly depicted.
      (5)   Proposed construction sequence and time schedule for all earth-disturbing activities and for all permanent and temporary measures proposed to minimize the potentially negative effects thereof.
      (6)   With respect to existing conditions:
         A.   A map showing the existing topography of the development area and of adjacent land within one hundred (100) feet of its boundaries. A topographic map shall use a contour interval appropriate to portray clearly the surface conformation and drainage pattern of the area.
         B.   A description of the predominant soil types, their distribution, and their limitations for the proposed use as identified in Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey for Washington County, OH.
         C.   A map showing the location of existing buildings and other structures and their uses; utilities; permanent, intermittent, and ephemeral streams (material composition of beds to be identified); water bodies; drainage facilities; vegetative cover, areas of pavement or other artificial cover (streets, roads, driveways, parking areas, sidewalks, and the like); and other significant natural or man-made features on the development area and adjacent land within one hundred (100) feet of its boundaries.
         D.   A vicinity map at a scale of not less than one (1) inch to two thousand (2000) feet showing the development area in relation to existing roads and nearest existing thoroughfares and permanent streams.
      (7)   With respect to proposed development activities:
         A.   A grading plan showing the location, slope, cut, fill, and finish elevation of the surfaces to be grades. (For filling projects results of laboratory and field density analyses shall be submitted once the fill has been tested).
         B.   A plan to meet all applicable development standards as required in Chapter 1154.
         C.   A site plan of the proposed development showing:
            1.   Buildings and other structures.
            2.   Utilities and location of installation.
            3.   Paved areas.
            4.   Makeup of surface soil (upper six (6) inches) on areas not covered by buildings, structures, or pavement. Description shall be in such terms as, but not limited to, original surface soil, subsoil, sandy, heavy clay, stony.
            5.   Type of cover on areas not covered by buildings, structures, or pavement. Description shall be in such terms as, but not limited to, lawn, turfgrass, shrubbery, trees, forest cover, riprap, mulch.
   (b)    Plans for Development in Landslip/Soil Slippage Potential Areas or that Affect Stream Channels: Plan for the proposed development areas of all sizes in zones identified by the City as having medium or high landslip/soil slippage potential or development that will affect stream channels shall include, in addition to items specified in Section 1153.05(a) above, an evaluation of land stability and a description of measures proposed to minimize negative effects of development. Such evaluation shall be based upon site-specific, on-site investigation by a qualified professional and shall include the following information as deemed applicable by the City Engineer:
      (1)   A statement of the identity, condition, strength, and distribution of existing bedrock and soils, an assessment of the effects of geologic conditions on the proposed development, a stability analysis, recommendations for grading and slope protection based on such analysis, data from soil borings, as well as a map of the locations of borings and of predominant soil types and their distributions.
      (2)   Hydrological characteristics of the surface and subsurface and their relation to the ability of the subject parcel to support the proposed development and recommendations for grading, control of surface and subsurface water, and slope protection.
      (3)   The identity, condition, and distribution of existing vegetative cover (trees and other plants) an assessment of their effect on drainage and erosion, and recommendations for clearing and planting.
      (4)   Location and description of off-site but related areas identified by the City as being of moderate to severe landslip potential that may affect or be affected by the proposed development.
      (5)    The plan shall be prepared and certified by a Professional Civil Engineer. Any retaining wall over six-feet in height, or any wall supporting a structure, roadway, or utility shall be designed to a factor of safety of a minimum of 1.5 as determined by a two-dimension analysis. All retaining walls shall be designed by a professional civil engineer whose area of practice qualifies them to perform retaining wall design. Retaining walls shall be maintained by the owners of the structures, roadways, utilities, etc. that the wall support/retains/protects.
   (c)    Plans for Development Area Disturbing One Acre or More or Within A Common Plan of Development: Plans for development area disturbing one acre or more shall include, in addition to information required in Section 1153.05(a), (b), above, a stormwater management plan to show how the runoff will be transported from the site, stored, treated and released into receiving waters. This plan shall include the following:
      (1)    Location of the area and its relation to its general surroundings, including:
         A.    A drainage analysis.
         B.   Identification and description of offsite areas susceptible to sediment deposits or to erosion caused by accelerated runoff.
         C.    Identification and description of offsite area that may pose runoff and erosion problems for the development area.
      (2)    Design computations and applicable assumptions for all structural measures for erosion and sediment pollution control and stormwater management. Quality, volume and velocity of flow must be given for all surface water and conveyances and outlets.
      (3)    Results of computations of runoff and volumes prior to and following proposed development, as prescribed in Section 1154.04(f).
      (4)    Location and design of all stormwater, treatment, conveyance, detention, and retention structures Vortex/Hydrodynamic separators shall only be considered as a last resort for treatment and may only be considered when approved by the City Engineer.
      (5)    To ensure the continued functioning of storm water control facilities, the following information shall be identified to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
         A.    The name, address, and 24-hour telephone number(s) of the person or entity responsible for continued maintenance of the stormwater control structure and the mechanism establishing responsibility.
         B.    Maintenance requirements and schedules.
         C.    Permanent access and access easements required to perform inspection and maintenance of storm water control structures and stormwater conveyance systems.
            (Ord. 279(22-23). Passed 6-15-23.)